1. Který svátek slaví Češi i lidé po celém světě 8. března?
A) Den matek. B) Den učitelů. C) Mezinárodní den žen.
C) Mezinárodní den žen.
Mount Vesuvius casts a shadow over which modern Italian city?
The United States bought Alaska from which country?
What does this expression mean: "Easy does it"
proceed slowly and carefully.
What novel is set on a desert planet inhabited by giant sandworms?
Name and author.
DUNE, Frank Herbert
4. Kolik piv s obsahem alkoholu může vypít řidič podle zákona při řízení auta v Česku?
A) Tři. B) Dvě. C) Jedno. D) Žádné.
D) Žádné.
What is the highest mountain in the UK? Name and country.
Ben Nevis, Scotland
What do the stripes and stars on the American flag represent?
The 13 original colonies and 50 states.
What does it mean? "Hard to swallow"
difficult to believe or accept
The "Great Gatsby" was written by which author?
F. S. Fitzgerald
Paní Svobodová není spokojená se svou zdravotní pojišťovnou. Jak často může změnit zdravotní pojišťovnu?
A) Jednou za měsíc. B) Jednou za 3 měsíce. C) Jednou za 6 měsíců. D) Jednou za 12 měsíců.
D) Jednou za 12 měsíců.
How many states are there in Australia, and what is the capital city?
Six – New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania, South Australia / Canberra
What year did the French Revolution start? and how?
1789, The storming of the Bastille prison on July 14, 1789, was one of the opening events of the French Revolution.
What does this mean? "Silver lining"
something good that can be found in a bad situation.
What is the name of the fourth book in the Harry Potter series?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
5. Jakým způsobem je možné změnit Ústavu České republiky?
A) Občané podají petici. B) Parlament schválí ústavní zákon. C) Ministerstvo vnitra vydá vyhlášku. D) Nejvyšší správní soud vydá rozhodnutí.
B) Parlament schválí ústavní zákon.
In which European city would you find Manneken Pis?
Belgium, Brussels
Who and when was the first person in the world to land on the moon and which country were they from?
Neil Armstrong from the United States in 1969.
The meaning of? "The ball is in your court"
It’s up to you
Which author wrote about a boy named Charlie visiting a chocolate factory after winning a golden ticket? Name the author and the title.
Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Paní Nováková si pořídila psa, a proto musí splnit určité povinnosti. Co paní Nováková ale nemusí udělat?
A) Zajistit výcvik psa. B) Zajistit čip pro psa. C) Přihlásit psa na obecním úřadě. D) Uhradit škodu, kterou pes způsobil.
A) Zajistit výcvik psa.
Which presidents are on Mount Rushmore?
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln
Which country and city hosted the 2016 Summer Olympics?
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
What does this mean: "Sat on the fence"
To be undecided
Which author created the character, Hercule Poirot? Name and nationality.
Agatha Christie, English
Paní Svobodová si kupuje nové auto za 650 000 korun. Chce zaplatit v hotovosti, ale prodejce nemůže podle zákona tak velkou peněžní částku přijmout. Jakou maximální částku v hotovosti může prodejce přijmout?
A) 100 000 Kč. B) 270 000 Kč. C) 400 000 Kč. D) 470 000 Kč.
B) 270 000 Kč.
What country is this a photo of?
(Market Square is located in Helsinki, Finland's capital.)
Which two countries signed the Good Friday Agreement in 1997?
Bonus question: Who is the Taoiseach?
Britain and Ireland, the head of government or prime minister of Ireland (chief).
What does this mean: "Jump on the bandwagon"
Following a trend, join others in doing or supporting something fashionable or likely to be successful.
Emily Brontë’s "Wuthering Heights" recounts the tragic romance between which two lovers?
Catherine and Heathcliff.
Panu Veselému je 64 let a dosáhl důchodového věku. Na České správě sociálního zabezpečení si požádal o důchod. Který doklad od něho nebude úřad vyžadovat?
A) Doklad o studiu. B) Občanský průkaz. C) Výpis z Rejstříku trestů. D) Doklad o výkonu vojenské služby
C) Výpis z Rejstříku trestů.
Where are these cliffs located?
(The Cliffs of Moher are sea cliffs in the County Clare region of Ireland.)
What is the Paris Agreement and when was it signed?
In 2015. The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change.
What does this mean: "Hard Sell"
a situation where someone is trying to sell something aggressively.
Which astronomically popular series of books, released in the 2000s, begins with a teenage girl moving to the small town of Forks, Washington?
Name and author.
Twilight, Stephenie Meyer
Který z těchto údajů musí být podle zákona v každém případě v pracovní smlouvě? A) Pracovní doba. B) Počet dnů dovolené. C) Místo výkonu práce. D) Termín výplaty mzdy
C) Místo výkonu práce.
What is the deepest point in the world’s oceans?
Mariana Trench, depth up to 10,971 m (7 miles)
When did the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia happen? (Exact date and year)
20 - 21 August 1968
What does this mean: "In Dire Straits"
in a very serious, very bad situation
The Republic of Gilead is a totalitarian and theocratic state in which dystopian novel published in 1985?
Name and author.
The Handmaid's Tale , Margaret Atwood
5. Jaká je přibližně rozloha Česka? A) 39 000 km2 . B) 79 000 km2 . C) 119 000 km2 . D) 159 000 km2 .
B) 79 000 km2 .
Who does this flag belong to?
Sicily, The flag depicts the head of Medusa and three ears of wheat. The three legs are said to represent the three points of the island, which is triangular in shape.
Name all of our Czecheslovakia and Czech presidents since 1918 up to now.
T. G. Masaryk, E. Beneš, Emil Hácha, K. Gottwald, Antonín Zápotocký, A. Novotný, Ludvík Svoboda, G. Husák, V. Havel, V. Klaus, MZ, PP
What does this mean: "Not playing with the full deck"
A saying to suggest someone/something lacks intelligence or common sense.
‘Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.’
Where can you find this sentence? Name and author.
Julius Caesar, Shakespeare
His fearless disposition, contrasting with the anxiety of those who live in constant fear (moral death).
Valiant: showing courage or determination in the face of adversity.
Unscramble: asastucaln
santa claus
Unscramble: solteimte
Unscramble: slatapatodo
potato salad
Unscramble: cistrhamseve
christmas eve
Unscramble: rwoisrkef