a yellow fruit that you have to peel to eat
What is a banana
a game that takes forever
What is monopoly
a football emote
What is a griddy
In your home
what is a cat
his new show
what is beast games
A fruit that 2-3 years to grow
what is a pinapple
a game that is real
What is life
brush your teeth
relay big
What is a tiger
How much money does he have
what is 500 mil
This fruit has green flesh and only one seed
what is an avocado
a game that you stack blocks
What is tetris
og skin
What is renegade raider
In fortnite
what is meowscles
a car that he gives away
what is a Lamborghini
this food has red circles on it
What is pizza
a game that you solve questions
what is kahoot
one of the spray weapons
What is a ar
flops a lot
what is a rag doll cat
His real name
what is jimmy
a place that sells burgers
what is in-in-out
a shooting game
What is terminator
Its a boss
What is battle royal
very fluffy
What is a Maincoon
Does he have his own mansion
what is no