Potent Potables

This is the favorite dog breed of Queen Elizabeth II.

What is corgis?


This Swedish word is used to describe a meal with a variety of hot and cold savory dishes that you serve yourself.

What is a smorgasbord?


This ingredient gives a bee's knees cocktail its sweetness.

What is honey?


One of the most common phobias is a fear os spiders, referred to with this term.

What is arachnophobia?


You are playing poker at a casino and have a very good hand but you face does not give it away! You have a very good one of these.

What is a poker face?


This dog breed can run faster than a cheetah!

What is a greyhound?


This Japanese beef is thought to be the best in the world.

What is wagyu?


The beer abbreviation IPA stands for these three words.

What is India Pale Ale?


Your first patient, Clyde, staggers into your office trembling with fear. He explains that he had just come out of a waiting room that was so packed that he could barely move his arms. On top of that, your office is about as big as the average outhouse, and Clyde insists that you open the door. Clyde suffers from this phobia.

What is claustrophobia?


According to basic blackjack strategy, you should always split this.

What is two aces?

While dogs mostly control their body temperature by panting, they also sweat through this part of their body.

What are paws?


Before carrots were domesticated they were this color.

What is purple/pale yellow?


France has champagne and Italy has Prosecco, the traditional Spanish sparkling wine is called this.

What is cava?


Frenzy the Fox has a nice den dug into the side of a bank. Unfortunately, it is in a fairly dangerous part of the forest. This is his home, where he always begins and ends each day. His nostophobia doesn't bother him at all as he wakes up and then ventures out into the forest, but he knows that it will definitely bother him later. Frenzy is afraid of this task.

What is returning home?


The game of poker has many variations, name four.

What are ...

High Chicago, low Chicago, follow the queen, countdown, criss cross, double-cross, Shanghai, Texas hold em, 7 card stud, 5 card draw, HORSE, etc 


Most dog breeds bark, the basenji breed does this instead.

What is yodel?


This was the first 'meal' eaten in space.

What are two servings of pureed meat and one serving of chocolate sauce?


This is the most produced grape in Argentina.

What is Malbec?


The term for the fear of long words has this many letters in it.

What is 36 letters? 

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - one of the longest words in the dictionary!


This is the name of the first modern slot machine.

What is the Liberty Bell?


Mongolian general Kublai Khan owned a whopping 5000 dogs of this breed that he used for war and hunting. 

What is mastiff?

Fugu chefs train 7-10 years in order to serve this delicacy safely.

What is pufferfish?


A Negroni is a popular Italian cocktail made with these four ingredients.

What is gin, red vermouth, Campari, and orange peel. 

Bruce Wayne had to overcome this phobia - a fear of bats - before he could become batman.

What is Chiroptophobia?

The game Roulette was originally called this. For EC, according to popular legend this group of people invented the game.

What is Roly Poly? Who are Roman soldiers?