The Things People Do
Location, Location,
Anger Management
Frankly My Dear,
Beyond the Pale
A colleague has complained that Jordan wears so much cologne it is giving him migraines
Staff have repeatedly complained that Jean is smoking right next to the office door
During a staff meeting, Elizabeth refers to “those people” being responsible for her not getting her assignment completed, and storms out of the meeting.
For the third time this month, Janet finished her assignment late. Staff complain that she is impacting their ability to ‘get things done’
An anonymous complaint has been received that one of your staff is accepting bribes for favorable treatment
Rosemary just told you that Donald told her she’d better improve her work immediately or “there’ll be consequences”. (Last week Rosemary filed a sexual harassment claim against Donald)
After coming in early, Alice tells Stephanie she’s not feeling well and suddenly passes out at her desk.
Bob and Jerry have never gotten along. Today, according to your OT, Jerry started yelling and screaming at Bob to “get off his case” and “leave him alone.”
Jenny hands in another assignment with sloppy spelling and grammatical errors. She even misspelled your name!
William checks out state cars as a condition of his job. After Jack returns from a day shadowing William in the field, he tells you that William is “going to kill somebody” by his inattentive and dangerous driving.
Ed has a reputation. He’s a hugger. He hugs people when he greets them. He hugs people when he says goodbye. He hugs people to say “Good job, and whenever he thinks “they just need a hug”. According to his team, “he’s always been this way”. New team member Jackie just sent you an email telling you the hugging is making her uncomfortable.
Satomi comes in shaking and tells you that someone on the phone just said that “there’s a bomb in the building that’s about to go off.”
After failing (again) to get a new job, Herbert demands a meeting with his boss’ boss (you) and proceeds to spend 45 minutes describing all manner of humiliations and indignities he has suffered at the hands of your direct report.
A complaint has come in through Agency that a staff member from one of your branches was rude and insulting to an employee at another Department..
Frank brought his handgun to work. After a staff member happened to see it sticking out of his backpack, Frank explained that he didn’t use this bag often and had forgotten that he had left it there.
You’ve just had a phone call telling you that one of your staff has been arrested for plotting to overthrow the government of Cambodia
Due to space constraints, staff are working in tight quarters. Nerves are fraying and tension is building.
After yet another priority assignment from the Directorate, Sally tells her analyst to just suck it up and get it done!
Flip flops, ripped jeans, tee shirts, and shorts.
Jason tells you that Fred used a racial slur. Meanwhile Fred independently reports to you that Jason made derogatory comments about someone’s gender identity.