Order the decimals from greatest to least. 0.12, 0.24, 0.1,
What is 0.24, 0.12, 0.1?
What is 0.64 as a simplified fraction?
97 x 723
What is 70,000?
Order the decimals from least to greatest. 1.44, 0.78, 2.22, -0.2
What is -0.2, 0.78, 1.44, 2.22?
2/5 in decimal form
What is 0.4?
What is the number being divided?
Multiply 48,900 x 56
What is 2,738,400
The value of the 8 in the number 98,030,273
What is 8,000,000?
Order the decimals from least to greatest. 4.825674, 4.8525, 4.82765
What is 4.825674, 4.82765, 4.8525?
When you move the decimal 2 places to the right, you are converting a decimal to a ________.
What is Percent?
Where the thousandth place is
What is The third place after the decimal?
Multiply 900,450 x 50
twelve and thirty-two millionths in standard form?
What is 12.000032?
The larger number: 5.554498 or 5.55449
What is 5.554498?
What is 1.89
definition of a decimal point
What is the period separating the whole numbers from the decimals?
Subtract 48,405 - 28,652
What is 19753
the value of the 7th place after the decimal
What is the Ten millionth place?
Order from greatest to least 2.898, -6.2, 0.4, 2.998, -0.65
What is 2.998, 2.898, 0.4, -0.65, -6.2?
Where the One millionth place is
What is the 6th place after the decimal?
Multiply 1.035 x .033
What is 0.034155