Canadian Democracy
Ancient Athens
Iroquois Confederacy
Local Government
Provincial Government

What are the three levels of government in Canada? 

1. Federal (most power)

2. Provincial 

3. Local/Municipal


In Ancient Athens, only certain people could partake in decision making, list those who could make decisions and those who could not. (need all four)

What are male citizens,(can make decisions)  and slaves, female citizens, and metics (cannot)


What form of decision making was evident in the Iroquois Confederacy and what is one benefit to this form of decision making. 

What is consensus. 

Benefits include: everyone agreed, all tribes discussed issues and considered each others views, all voices were equally valued and heard. 


What are the three types of local government and who is in charge of each? 

Rural: Reeve

Urban: Mayor

Aboriginal: Chiefs


What is the difference between the Government and the Opposition? 

The government is the party who wins the most seats in the election.

The opposition is the party who wins the second most seats in the election. The opposition acts to check the government and make them accountable. 


What form of democracy does Canada use? 

Representative Democracy


Even though today, Athens may seem unfair. Why did Ancient Athenians think it was the most fair society? 

Because other city-states were ruled by Kings and Tyrants. In Athens, because citizens were involved in decision making it was more fair than city-states surrounding Athens. 


Wampum is an important belt made of coloured shells/beads to symbolize events and tell stories. What story does the Hiawatha's wampum show? 

The Hiawatha is the wampum that shows the Iroquois Confederacy coming together. It represents all five nations. 


What are the responsibilities of Local Governments? 

- ensure citizens concerns are heard

- create and enforce bylaws

- provide services

- collect taxes


How is the Cabinet decided? 

The Premier of the Government, appoints MLA's to the cabinet to become Cabinet Ministers. Once apart of the cabinet, they may run departments or have special jobs in Government. Together, all Cabinet Ministers form the Executive Council and develop policies. 


The Charter of Rights and Freedoms exists to protect the rights of Canadian citizens. It protects both individual and collective rights. Name one section of the Charter and what rights or freedoms it protects. 

1. Fundamental Freedoms: speech, religion, thoughts

2. Democratic Rights: Voting, Elections

3. Mobility Rights: Can move to any province

4. Legal Rights: Fair trials, Lawyers

5. Equality Rights: fair treatment without discrimination

6. Official Language Rights: can be in French or English

7. Minority Language Education Rights: receive education in your language. 

8. General Rights: Aboriginal Rights


The Assembly played an important role in Ancient Athens. What was it? 

This is where male citizens gathered to vote by show of hands. At least 6000 citizens needed to be present. If a vote tied, they would vote with coloured clay tiles. 


Clan Mothers were powerful in the Iroquois Confederacy. Explain one role they had. 

Clan mothers were the leaders of clans, which they came to through maternal heredity (passed down by moms). They chose the Hoyaneh, and could override any decisions, or even remove the Hoyaneh from his position. 


What is the process for passing a bylaw? 

A councillor makes a motion to have a bylaw made or changed. Bylaws are discussed and considered 3 times by local government members, public input can also be taken at this time. Bylaws are voted on by council members in which majority wins. 


What are the Responsibilities of the Lieutenant Governor?  (4) 

They read the Royal Proclamation from the Throne, Grant Royal Assent to Bills, Attend Ceremonies of behalf of the Kind, and open and close sessions at the Legislature Building. 


What are the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Government? 

- provide services

- protect rights and freedoms

- provide national leadership

- collect taxes to provide services


The Council of 500 in Athens had an important role. Explain how its members were chosen, and what the council did. 

Male citizens were chosen for the council by lottery. Their role was to make the agenda for Assembly meetings and could propose laws or changes. 

Although the Iroquois valued everyone's voice in decision making, Men and Women still played different roles. Explain one difference. 

Men were responsible for hunting, fishing, fighting and building. Men could become chiefs of war or the Hoyaneh

Women tended to crops and children. Women could become Clan Mother, but only if their mother had been a Clan Mother. 


What is one of the Role's of School Boards? 

- works as a type of local government to meet education needs in their area

- are made up of trustees who hire the superintendent to oversee operations and hold elections every 3 years to make sure needs are met

- they develop policies and decisions about how schools spend money, which programs are offered, and transportation to school. 


What is the stages of an election? (6)

1. Nominating 2. Campaigning 3. Prep Polling Stations 4. Show Eligibility 5. Vote 6. Count Votes and Announce the Outcome


Why was the Treaty of La Grande Paix de Montreal important in Canadian History, and why is it important to Democracy in Canada? 

1. it is important because the First Nations at the time were all at war, and the French fur trade was cuaght in the middle, the Treaty helped to pause the fighting and ensure collective identity and rights were protected. 

2. it helped to reflect the collective rights of the First Nations, and the individual rights of each representative - setting the scene for the current Charter of rights and freedoms. 


The Courts in Athens were a form of equality. Explain what their main role was. 

The courts, run by magistrates, served to solve issues between those living in Athens. Juries would include up to 1500 members. There were no lawyers, and those involved had to speak for themselves unless they couldn't.


Explain the Grand Council Decision Making Process

Older Brothers (Seneca & Mohawk) discuss the issue and reach consensus

Younger Brothers (Cayuga and Oneida) discuss and reach consensus. 

Keepers of the Council Fire (onondaga) review and discuss, reaching consensus. 

If all five nations reach consensus, the decision is made. If any of the five nations cannot reach consensus, they steps begin again. 


How are First Nations Authorities and Métis Settlements different than Local Goverments. 

Both have their own form of self-government. 

- First Nations Authorities: create a band council which includes a Chief and council

- Metis Settlements: elect 5 councillors, and have 40 councillors in a Grand Council

What are the steps for a bill to become law? 

1. First Reading - bill is introduced to Legislative Assembly (L.A.)

2. Bill is studied and public input is collected

3. Second Reading in L.A. debate is held. If most MLA's agree, it is sent to the committee. 

4. Third Reading in LA - questions are taken if needed

5. Bill is voted on 

6. If majority vote yes for the bill, The Lieutenant Governor gives Royal Assent and the Bill becomes Law.