Sexual Health
Crisis & Suicide Protocol
Sexual Assault & IPV

A client does not want to go off campus, but is scared they might have an STI. Their parents are very strict, so their worried about SHS as a resource. 

What do you tell them?

SHS (or Habif ig) offers free and low-cost STI testing and your results can be given through call or an online secure message. 

The testing is confidential, and the client's parents will not be informed, BUT in the case of positive tests for HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis, law mandates SHS/Habif reports to the Department of Health.


A number for Joes use only. 

Counselor on Call 


Who is the Title IX Coordinator and does she deal with sexual assault, OR complaints that involve other reports such as sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence, or stalking?

Jessica Kennedy

She does both!! wow #tricky


Students go here for academic and testing accommodations.


The dietitian on the SHS eating disorder treatment team.

Connie Diekman, R.D. 

Offers free and confidential STD testing for people between the ages of 13 and 24.

The Spot 

Tests offered on a walk-in basis M-F from 1-5pm. They also offer individual counseling (located in the CWE on Laclede Avenue)


A client is waiting to hear from the counselor on call, and they have been waiting 30 minutes. What should they do?

As a Joe, you should have told the client to call you back after 25 minutes if they are not contacted by the counselor on call. 

Stay on the phone and get your co-Joe to reach out to counselor on call again-- this is a good time to go over a safety plan and look into a next-day emergency appt. 

Specially trained volunteers who are available to assist rape survivors 24/7 at 17 area hospital ERs around St. Louis County.

SART (Sexual Assault Response Team)

Volunteers should be notified when a survivor arrives, but if not then contact 24/7 crisis helpline (314) 531-7273


The Dean of Transfer Students

Warren Davis

(also my four year advisor--a swell guy!)


A Joe on secondary should do this before an interaction.

Text Emily and Ryan! Bonus points if you know their numbers by heart <3 


Offers free HIV testing (both rapid and conventional tests) in St. Louis. 

Project ARK 

Provides services that enhance those infected, affected, and at-risk of HIV disease through medical care, social support, and prevention services.


A client refuses to disclose their number to you, or let you call for them in-person, but they still want to contact counselor on call. 

Tell them to call SHS and select menu option 1! (the nurses line)


The person who will follow up with a student if they have disclosed a sexual assault to a mandatory reporter.

Tamara King, JD, Director of Judicial Programs

For students who would like to report. 


A resource for a client who misses home, and wants to feel more connected to their new St. Louis community.

Home Plate

A program that matches students with a host fam in St. Louis and gets together for home-cooked meals several times a year.


An organization for youth under 21 in St. Louis and may identify as LGBTQIA or questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. Meetings are held in the Central West End.

Growing American Youth

Meetings are held weekly at Trinity Church in the CWE (although NOT religiously affiliated) every Thursday night from 7-8:30.


an online resource for reliable information on sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases/infections

American Sexual Health Association


What is the life crisis number and when do I give it to a client?

(314) 647-4357

You give it to all risk levels (low, moderate, high, & severe), but push with increasing degrees of urgency.


Free counseling and emergency counseling to victims of IPV. 

ALIVE-Alternatives to Living in Violent Environments


The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Residential Learning.

Jill Stratton! 

Clients should contact her if they have an issue with staff, or if they are not comfortable discussing an issue with an RCD or RA.


Gospel-centered counseling that operates on a sliding scale fee. 

Karis House Counseling

This "gospel-centered, restorative, counseling"is affiliated with Journey Church and offers affordable counseling for a variety of topics (i.e. grief, depression, addiction, anxiety).


A client has questions about birth control methods and where to find it, but they had a bad experience at SHS/Habif, and want to find a solution independently. 

What online resource could we refer them to?


This resource helps women find which type of BC is right for them, but it also has information about STIs and navigating sexual relationships.


A triple!!!!! (triple points if you answer super speedy and correctly)

What are the signs a client is high-risk for suicide? 

For severe?

What are the three things you must do for a high-risk client?

High- No clear intent, but has means and a specific plan

Severe- immediate intent, suicidal plan, and a specific plan that is lethal

1. Counselor on Call (unless WUPD is called)

2. If client refuses COC, co-Joe call WUPD is risk is severe and intent serious

3. Try to obtain the client's location and keep them on the phone


Support Services Counselor in the RSVP Center (hint: not Kim Webb)

Jen Durham Austin


This program housed in the Office for International Students and Scholars and is run by Karen Schwelle. 

English Language Program 

Contact Karen Schwelle to set up classes to strengthen English language proficiency and academic English language support.

A resource with free eating disorder evaluations and a variety of options for treatment including full residential treatment, a partial hospital program, transitional living, and outpatient programs.
McCallum Place