a person
Who must be at your ITP meeting?
Preferences mean?
liking one thing more than another
unique means...
different or one of a kind. Nobody has your unique set of qualities.
Transition means
to move from one thing to another
Can the grocery store cashier come to your ITP meeting?
No. Only if they know you personally.
something you like to do or learn more about.
Can anyone learn a new skill? True/False?
Yes, you can learn many new skills throughout your life.
Knowledge or skills developed over time are called__________. (starts with an 'e')
An ITP meeting is all about
the person, YOU :)
If you disagree with something said at your meeting, what can you do?
Speak up, say, "I disagree with that" or "I would like something else".
An apartment is...
small room or rooms to rent.
When you are an adult, you should know how to do all adult things? True/False?
No way, you continue learning throughout your life.
True. pottery, hiking, gaming, computers, drawing, cooking, etc., etc.
ITP stands for
Individual transition meeting
Abilities mean...
things you can do and are good at.
True. Believing and trying again and again is the best way to succeed with anything.
Name one thing you talk about at your ITP meeting.
your goals, dreams, choices for work, choices for where to live, likes, dislikes, etc.
Name three people who are part of your support system right now?
mother, father, sister, brother, hab person, respite provider, DDD support coordinator, uncle, aunt etc.
Name three choices that you have each day.
clothes, what to eat, who you talk to, friends etc.
Do most people succeed the first time they try something? Yes/no
No. Whether you are learning to walk or talk or cook or learn math. Skills take practice.
Are there social groups that I can join after I graduate? Yes/no
Yes. 'Meet up' groups that have your interests, AzAssist for young adults living with autism, Variety of city hosted groups as well and more.
How often are ITP meetings held?
Once per year.
straight up in chair, head facing the speaker, shoulders towards the speaker.
Name two things you cannot change about yourself.
your height, where you were born, who your parents are, your eye color etc.
Can you tell when someone has a disability or challenge in their life?
No. Example: If they are blind or in a wheelchair, etc, you can see that, but many people have challenges such as dyslexia, depression, autism, ADHD, OCD etc. that you cannot see.
If you were to live with your friends, can you have community resources? Yes/No?
Yes, help with budgeting and paying bills, shopping, cooking, getting to work, etc.