I got you one big present
Holiday Food Around the World

Upside, inside out, I'm sure this person's Christmas birthday is like living la vida loca.

Who is Ricky Martin?


This is the time that 1950s crooner Bobby Helms suggested was a swell time to rock the night away.

What is jingle bell time?


In Arkansas, it is illegal to purchase this on Christmas Day.

What is alcohol?

"It's a Wonderful Life" was shot in July, and was one of the first movies to use new technology to create fake snow, as opposed to the traditional model of painting this breakfast cereal white.

What are corn flakes?

Year after the year, this is the reigning champion of the most liked candy at Christmas in the U.S.

What are candy canes?


It's likely we all shared a geographic location at one time or another with this producer, host and staple of any Tuesday or Thursday night in the early 2000s.

Who is Ryan Seacrest?


According to the children who found it, this early 20th century accessory is suspected to have been where Frosty the Snowman kept his magic. 

What is an old silk hat?


In Michigan, it is illegal to transport this highly popular holiday tradition without proof of legal purchase.

What is a Christmas tree?

Originally recorded by Brenda Lee in 1958, Kevin McAllister would go on to play this song while tricking would-be robbers into thinking his parents were having a holiday party at their home.

What is "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree?"


While more commonly known as "that cookie with the hershey kiss in the middle," this is the official name of the most popular Christmas cookie in America.

What is "peanut butter blossom?"


This world leader is likely to see more White Christmases than most, in English and in French.

Who is "Justin Trudeau?"


Grandma forgot this essential while visiting her grandchild's house, resulting in her tragic maiming while walking home on Christmas Eve.

What is medication?


Many states and municipalities in the United States have laws regulating how long you’re allowed to keep your Christmas lights up after Christmas. In San Diego, the cutoff is this holiday date.  

What is Groundhog's Day?

This is the first rule in the "Code of the Elves," taught to elf children at the North Pole in the movie "Elf."

What is "Treat Every Day Like Christmas?"


More than 13 million Israelis consumed these holiday treats around Hanukkah last year. 

What are jelly donuts?

It's likely this individual drinks margaritas in lieu of egg nog on the big day.

Who is Jimmy Buffett?


According to Mariah Carey, she wrote holiday classic "All I Want for Christmas is You?" in how much time? Conveniently, this would be trackable amount in GFS that would not require rounding.

What is 15 minutes?


During the eight days of Hanukkah, one is not allowed to do which common religious practice?

What is "fasting?"


A 1988 film that has spurred decades of controversy, the debate about whether this 1988 film is in fact a Christmas movie was recently tested in a national survey of 1,500 respondents. The results - aligned with the view of the film's star - said that 51% to 39%, this is NOT a Christmas movie.

What is Die Hard?


In the Ukraine, families trim their Christmas trees with these naturally-occurring decorations, inspired by a fairy tale in which a family too poor to afford proper yuletide ornaments.

What are spiderwebs?


While not a celebrity to most, this spouse has made cameo appearances in at least one Edelman Teams call a day since March, oblivious to the fact that the kitchen is also my office, and maybe he should ask first since he has the benefit of using the guest bedroom as his office.

"Who is Nick Severson?"


According to Adam Sandler, you don't need "Deck the Halls" or "Jingle Bell Rock" because you can spin a dreidel with these two beloved TV characters.

Who are "Captain Kirk and Dr. Spock?"


In New Jersey, you can be guilty of a "light" version of this common misdemeanor, which prohibits the excessive use of artificial life that produce "unnecessary glowing."

What is "trespassing?"


This introvert-turned-paramedic tries to woo Amy Smart's character in the highly underrated Christmas classic, "Just Friends," prompting Ryan Reynolds' signature catchphrase throughout the movie.

Who is Dusty Dinkelman?

3.6 million people in this Christmas celebrate what is known as "KFC Christmas," where they honor the holiday with a bucket of friend chicken.

Where is Japan?