Exploration & Colonial Era
Revolutionary Era
Early Republic
Westward Expansion
Civil War
The three main reasons for European exploration of the Americas
What is God, Gold, and Glory
An event that was the result of the Tea Act placed on all imported tea by the English monarchy
What is Boston Tea Party
Popular Sovereignty, republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, limited government, and individual rights
What is the Principles of the Constitution
The idea that America is destined to go"from Sea to shining Sea"
What is Manifest Destiny
The battle that cost the Union and Confederates the most lives
What is the Battle of Gettysburg
The route that brought slaves from Africa to America, goods from American to Europe, and ammunition from Europe to Africa
What is the Atlantic Slave Trade (Triangular Trade Route)
The colonist's first attempt to unite the colonies under one doctrine in order to create a national government
What is the Articles of Confederation
The first ten amendments of the Constitution
What is the Bill of Rights
The removal of the Cherokee people from their tribal lands in Georgia to a reservation in Oklahoma
What is the Trail of Tears
The reconstruction amendments that gave former slaves freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote (free citizens vote)
What is the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments
The first permanent English settlement
What is Jamestown (1607)
A group that met to revise the Articles of Confederation, but eventually created the U.S. Constitution.
What is the Continental Congress
The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists
What is the first major political groups of the U.S.
An act that allowed a person to claim 160 acres of land in the western territories
What is the Homestead Act
The offensive plan of the North that would blockade ports, capture the Mississippi River, and destroy the capitals of the South.
What is the Anaconda Plan
The religious group that traveled from England to America to escape religious persecution eventually settling in Plymouth, MA
What is Puritans
The turning point of the Revolutionary War
What is Saratoga
The three branches of government
What is the judicial branch, executive branch, and the legislative branch
This land acquisition added nearly a third of the current United States to the existing thirteen colonies
What is the Louisiana Purchase
Loyalty to the interests of one's own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole
What is sectionalism
A group of Native American tribes that entered into community with one another
What is Iroquois Confederacy
The slogan of the colonists in response to the British imposed tax on tea and sugar
What is "no taxation without representation"
The Father of the Constitution
Who is James Madison
The first boundary of the thirteen colonies. This landform restricted colonists from moving farther west.
What is the Appalachian Mountains
Sectionalism, Slavery, States' Rights
What is the three main causes of the Civil War