Reproduction Strategies
Organism Growth Influences
Mutations and Variation
Punnett Squares
Natural vs Artificial

Only one parent is required to produce an identical offspring. Therefore, the same chromosomes are passed on from parent to offspring. 

What is asexual reproduction?


***All animals are different and some produce more offspring than others. For example, elephants tend to have one offspring while sea turtles tend to lay about 100 eggs at a time. Why? 

Animals that have a small amount of offspring are likely to stay with their young to protect them and provide shelter. Whereas, animals that produce a high number of offspring do not stick around to provide protection and shelter. 


Genes code (make) this, which is how we get our phenotype. 

What is protein?


BB is the genotype of an organism whose phenotype will be expressed.

What is homozygous dominant?


This process allows individuals to succeed by inheriting adaptations from many generations ago, it is often termed "survival of the fittest" 

What is natural selection?


Two parents are needed to produce an offspring. Both parents give half of their chromosomes giving the offspring a unique combination of genes.

What is sexual reproduction?


These two factors determine an organism's growth. 

Genetics (hereditary) and environmental factors. 


A different version of the same gene. 

What is an allele?


Bb is the genotype of an organism whose phenotype will be expressed.

Heterozygous Dominant 


A genetically inherited variation (trait) that helps an organism survive and reproduce in a changing environment. 

What is adaptation?


Having pretty and bright colors, like the male peacock spider, is a method that females use to choose their mate. 

What is sexual selection? 


A short tulip is crossed with another short tulip. Their seeds are planted and they receive the same amount of water and sunlight. All growing conditions are the same. After they grow, you end up with 75% of short tulips and 25% of tall tulips. Plant height is determined by this factor. 

What is Genetics (Hereditary)?


***List the CORRECT pathway that shows a Cause and Effect relationship.

-Protein does job or not

-Offspring's genotype

-Allele's from parents

-Offspring's phenotype 

Allele's from parents> Offspring's genotype> Protein does job or not> Offspring's phenotype


bb is the genotype of an organism whose phenotype will be expressed when a dominant allele is NOT present. 

What is Homozygous Recessive? 


This process resulted in a decline of the light Peppered Moth because they were easily spotted by predators, like birds. 

What is natural selection?


Scenario: species A reproduces asexually while species B reproduced sexually. A disease has been introduced into the environment and killing off living things. 

This species (A or B) is dying off faster than the other species because all individuals have the same genes and therefore the same weakness. 

What is species A?


Determine the following as Environmental or Genetics (Hereditary):

A lake is bigger than another. 

What is environmental?


_________ are random, meaning they can happen at any time. They can be beneficial, harmful or neutral. 

What are mutations? 


***True or False:

A genotype of BB (homozygous dominant) or Bb (heterozygous dominant) will always express the dominant allele in an organism's phenotype. 



Dogs were domesticated from wolves, corn genes were selected from teosinte and cows are selectively bred for desirable traits to get passed on to offspring. 

What is artificial selection (selective breeding)? 


Human beings can do both of these processes. For example, when two parents produce an offspring, there is a genetic diversity (variation). When it comes to wound healing, this process allows for surrounding cells to produce more genetically identical cells. 

What is sexually and asexual reproduction? 


Determine the following as Environmental or Genetics (Hereditary).

Ms. Martinez has brown hair because her parents both have brown hair as well as her grandparents. 

What is Genetics (Hereditary)?


Physical features (trait variation) of an organism. 

What is a phenotype? 


***True or False:

A genotype of bb (homozygous recessive) will always express the dominant allele in an organism's phenotype.



***An adaptation allowed finches (birds) to develop different beak sizes. This adaptation was the result of having ___________. 

different types of food in their surrounding.