Technical and Community College
Universities and Liberal Arts Colleges
Specialized Schools and Women's College
College Requirements and Admission
Fees, Housing, and Tuition
What is an Associate's Degree and how many years of school do you need to receive one?
An Associate's Degree takes 2 years to receive and means that you completed your general courses of study
What is a college major?
A college major is a specific field that a person studies and eventually earns a degree in.
What is a Women's College?
A women's college is a school that has more women faculty and staff and that exclusively or almost exclusively offer classes to women.
What is the ACT?
The ACT (American College Test) is a test you have to take in order to go to college
What is tuition?
Tuition is how much money you pay to take classes. It does not include fees for food, books, and housing.
True or False: A technical college is a college you go to if you don't know what you want do yet
False: Technical schools offer specialized programs and often times students know exactly what field they want to be in when they sign up for classes at a technical college.
Name 2 universities in Wisconsin
1. University of Wisconsin Madison 2. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee 3. Concordia University 4. Multiple Answers
What is a specialized school?
A school that offers specialized training in a career of field.
What is a GPA and what does it stand for?
GPA is the score you have in your classes divided by the number of classes. It stands for grade point average
What is a dormitory?
A dormitory, or dorm, is where you live if you go to college. Not all colleges have dorms where students can live.
What does the term "transfer" mean, and how does it relate to colleges and universities?
Transferring means moving to a different school after completing your general studies. You could then attend a different liberal arts college or university to continue your education
What does the term "liberal arts" mean?
Liberal Arts often refers to subjects such as the social sciences (sociology, psychology) and humanities (understanding the human experience and what it means to be human). It usually refers to general courses that you have to take before you can specialize in your major
What are some careers that you can study at a specialized school?
Firefighter, culinary arts, dental hygiene
True or False You can earn college credit if you take Advanced Placement (AP) classes
True Some colleges let you skip classes you would normally have to take if you took an Advanced Placement class in high school.
What is FAFSA and how does it help you pay for college?
Free Application for For Federal Student Aid. The government will give you grants and loans based on the income of your parents to help you pay for college.
What is the main purpose for community colleges and why were they invented?
Community colleges give opportunity and higher education to people that may not be able to commute to or live at a campus far away from their home.
Name one benefit and one downside to attending a university
Pro: Universities offer a great range of academic choices. Con: Universities have large class sizes and professors dedicate half of their time to research.
What opportunities can a person expect at a women's college?
People who attend women's college can expect to have heightened awareness of careers and post bachelor studies.
Which classes does a university require you take in high school?
1. English 2. Math 3. Science 4. Social Science (Social Studies) 5. Electives (Art, Computers, Business, Foreign Language)
True or False: You have to pay back money that you get for scholarships and grants
False: Scholarships are awarded based on academics, athletics, or special talent. A grant is free money the government or another agency gives to you. You do not have to pay these back.
Name 3 degrees or certificates you can receive at a technical college
1. Machine Tool Operator 2. Dental Hygienist 3. Electrician Apprentice 4. Plumbing Apprentice 5. Aeronautics Pilot Training
What is the main difference between a college and university?
Universities offer graduate programs and most colleges do not. Also, universities tend to be larger than colleges.
Typically, what type of majors are most common for people that attend women's college?
Science Majors
Name 3 things you need to submit in order to apply to a university in Wisconsin
1.Official copy of your high school transcript 2. ACT or SAT scores 3. Application and application fee
How much does one year of tuition typically cost at a university in Wisconsin?
About $7500 per year depending on which school you go to. UW Madison, UW Milwaukee, UW Eau Claire, and UW La Crosse will cost more about, $8,000-$10,000.