No running in the hallway
We walk so we don't get hurt.
When the teacher is speaking, we need to listen.
So we can hear important information
So we don't drop or spill what's inside the lunchbox.
Don't play tag.
Someone may trip/fall and get hurt.
Be straight behind the person in front of you.
If the line is not straight, it may create avoidable traffic blocks in the hallway. It helps the teacher see where their class is if there are more than one class in the hallway.
Raise your hand to ask a question or answer a question.
It's respectful and if everyone did it, no one could be heard.
Stay at your seat while eating.
We only only have a little bit of time to eat. We also don't want to risk spilling food on the ground.
Knees and freeze when the whistle is blown.
The teacher need to know where everyone is and it's important for getting everyone's attention to get in line.
Hands and feet to ourselves
We need to respect others' bodies and we don't want to accidentally hurt someone.
Stay on task when working.
We are learning and practicing important skills
Don't tattle on others.
If you are telling the teacher someone is doing something to get them in trouble, that is tattling and it is unkind.
Only swing on your bottom(and sometimes your belly).
Swinging incorrectly on the swing may end up getting someone hurt.
Voices are a level 0 going down the hall.
The noise distracts others working in the hall/classrooms.
It's okay to feel strong emotions, but everyone deserves to feel safe. Hitting others is unkind and very unsafe.
Don't throw food at each other.
It creates a mess you clothes and the room. It is very disrespectful.
You may only go down the slide, not up.
If you go up and someone is going down, one of you may get hurt.