Men vs Women
Biological Components
Traits and Characteristics
Grab Bag

One of the main reasons men enjoy horror more than women is because women are more prone to this type of sensitivity. 

Disgust sensitivity.


A medium amount of fear is ideal to trigger enjoyment, rather than too little or too much fear, all typically measured via this basic biological characteristic. 

Heart rate.


These two traits are often used as the main markers when measuring like or dislike of horror movies. 

Arousal (excitement) and desirable (enjoyment). 


Regardless of race, gender, or sexuality, the intended audience for horror movies has always been this population. 



While watching a horror movie, adrenaline and cortisol levels can increase, leading to the uncovering of past traumatic memories, triggering this disorder. 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 


Men feel the most fear towards this type of terror found within the horror genre, while women feel the most fear towards this type of terror (two answers).

Rural terror, family terror.


These two hormones can be triggered while experiencing fear, leading to the resulting sensation causing enjoyment. 

Adrenaline and dopamine.


This trait was measured throughout multiple studies and concluded each time that those who experience higher levels of it have a greater interest in the horror genre as a whole. 

Morbid curiosity.


Horror movies are often not relatable to this age group, as it asks them to empathize with problems that are no longer relevant to their current strengths and weaknesses. 

The elderly. 

Adolescents viewed horror as a cathartic experience to escape from impending adulthood and an unfavorable economic climate during this time period when films like The Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the Thirteenth were first released.  

The 1980s. 


This specific genre of horror has proven to be enjoyed far more by males than females because of its high levels of graphic violence. 

The slasher genre.


This enzyme regulates the intraneuronal levels of sensation-seeking neurotransmitters, and could be a genetic factor that contributes to the determination of liking horror. 

Monoamine oxidase (MOA). 


This emotionally driven trait contributes to the enjoyment of thrills and excitement rather than violence. 



Young people aged 10-17 enjoy this feeling that comes from a satisfying conclusion to a horror movie. 

Sense of relief


In a 2020 study, this supernatural entity was found as the most feared religious character by Turkish college students. 

A djinn. 


Females are more receptive to this specific subgenre of horror, seen in films like The Exorcist and The Conjuring.

Demonic/spiritual possession OR the occult


This type of hormone is related to sensation-seeking disinhibition, linked to the expression of curiosity of morbid and sexual events. 

Gonadal hormones. 


The portrayal of female characters in slasher films often include the victimization of sexual characters, leading this trait to be a big factor in whether adolescents will enjoy a certain horror movie or not. 

Attitude towards (female) sexuality. 


Adolescents are particularly drawn to this horror subgenre, equating the feeling while watching to riding a rollercoaster. 

Based on true events. 


This factor about the design of horror movie characters can be a determination on whether one watches a particular horror movie or not. 

Makeup (special-effect makeup, etc)


This theory can be used to explain why females and males have classically been separated into dominating different domains of society, such as the justice system and the household, and consequently can explain why they have different reactions to different types of horror. 

The power-control theory. 


Activity increases in this system of the body to trigger certain hormones in response to high frequencies of emotions. 

The central catecholamine system. 


Thrill and adventure seeking, disinhibition, experience seeking, and boredom susceptibility are the factors that make up this trait that is a heavy influence on if one enjoys horror. 

Sensation seeking. 


This common trope in horror movies was used to appeal to a young audience, particular females driven by sympathy and empathy. 

The final girl trope. 


Psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism make are the three factors that are named by this phrase, associated with positive correlation between horror movie enjoyment and low physiological response while watching a horror movie. 

The Dark Triad.