The expectations and the reality of teens and sleep
The role of sleep in academic performance
Sleep's part in changing circadian rhythms
Consequences of sleep loss
the reasons for why teens lose sleep

The percentage of teenagers that get less than eight hours of sleep per night

what is 70% to 80%?


Sleep is essential for this cognitive skill, which involves makes thinking sharper

What is analytical thought?


The name for the sleep patterns such as when a person wakes up and goes to bed.

What is Circadian Rhythm?


Sleep deprived teens are more likely to report mental health conditions such as anxiety and this widely known mental illness

what is depression?


Since the early 1990s, studies have shown that teens naturally wake up much later than their younger selves.

what are two hours?


The average amount of sleep a teenager actually gets.

what is seven and a half hours per night?


A loss of sleep can increase in this widely used activity

What is school?


Because of changed Circadian rhythms, Teens lose countless of this term.

What is Sleep?


lack of this increases risks of cardiovascular dysfunction, obesity, and violence.

what is sleep?


Teens are naturally inclined to stay up late, but various social and cultural factors reduce their time doing this.

what is sleeping?


The percentage of high schoolers in the U.S. get far less sleep than the recommended eight to ten hours.

what is 87%?


This study suggests that sleep helps improve learning and remember crucial information

what is sleep's role in memory?


The sleep difference between teenagers and adults and the way their Circadian rhythm would work if they were trapped in a completely dark environment.

What is teenagers waking up three hours later?


Overtired teens are most likely to be involved in car crashes and other accidents because of this caused by sleepiness.

what are late reaction times?


This term describes teens who have too many things to do, often sacrificing sleep and downtime.

What is "Over scheduled"?


the amount of hours of sleep you need to be able to function at your best the next day

what is eight to ten hours?


The ways teens aren't ready going to school because they are losing sleep from early school start times.

What is physically or mentally ready?


This change in a child's circadian rhythm during puberty makes it difficult for most teens to feel sleepy until this time.

What is 10 or 11 p.m.?


Failing to use this lifeline in a car is another risky behavior that studies suggest is more common among teens who don’t get enough sleep.

what is a seatbelt?


This color of light, emanating from screens from all electronic devices, obstructs the body's natural melatonin production and sleep cycles

What is "Blue" light?