Week 1 & 2
Week 3 & 5
Week 6 & 7
Week 9 & 10

This document contains the regulations required to become a nurse and states what all licensed nurses in the state may do in practice. 

What is the state nurse practice act?


This nursing assessment helps clarify the patient's beliefs and understanding of his illness and his expectations during treatment.

What is a cultural assessment?


For this intervention you must Straighten the ear canal by pulling up and back on the pinna.

What is a tympanic temperature?


This level of Health promotion/prevention includes things such as mammograms, prostate screening and tools such as Katz, Braden and Mini-Cog.

 What is secondary?


When the nurse identifies a confused patient using their name and date of birth and a picture in the facility chart he is practicing this medication right.

What is th3e right patient?


A celebrity is on your unit and you see a colleague from a different area of the hospital looking at the celebrity's chart. You know that the nurse looking at the chart is violating this law?

What is HIPAA or the privacy act?


This important tool in nursing allows the patient to receive the best care, reduce risk of injury and may allow the patient to recover quicker.

What is collaboration?


A woman who recently had a vaginal delivery will benefit most from this specialty bath.

What is a Sitz bath?


On the OPQRSTUV pain scale, when the patient states his chest hurts and it goes down his left arm he is stating this.

What is "r" for region/radiation?


The patient with an infection has an order for an antibiotic as follows

Augmentin 500 mg TID start now 

phones the provider to clarify this medication right.

What is the right route?


Caring for patients in a way that is both respectful and individualized.

What is patient centered care?


Interaction between the nurse and patient  focusing on the patient's needs that may utilize active listening, restating or remaining silent is called this. 

What is therapeutic communication?


This is recorded the instant the Korotkoff sounds stop .

What is a diastolic blood pressure.


When the nurse asks the patient what pain number they could tolerate/rest/go home and if they are having any other symptoms she is asking this part of the pain assessment tool.

What is "v" for value?


When it requires larger amounts of a medication to create the same effect.

What is tolerance?


This type of infection increases the patient's chance of getting sicker (morbidity)  and dying (mortality).

What is a CAUTI (catheter associated urinary track infection)? Will also accept- What is an HAI or health care acquired infection?


A list of three things that can negatively affect a patient's cognition.

What are fever/infection, stroke and dementia? Will also accept alzheimer's, traumatic brain injury, substance use, birth defects, Malnutrition and medications.


The order for drawing up a mixture of regular insulin (clear) and intermediate acting/NPH insulin (Cloudy)?

What is 

Insert air in NPH (Cloudy)

Inset air in Regular (clear)

Draw up Regular (Clear)

Draw up NPH(Cloudy)     ?


The nurse interviewing a patient who recently got married and started a new job know that while this is considered eustress(positive stressors), too much will still negatively affect this system.

What is the immune system?


List at least 2 things that should be assessed the nurse is educating the patient.

What are motivation, barriers to learning, and learning style? (will also accept language/cultural needs, support person, and readiness to learn.


A facility that practices this expects the nurse to report errors so that root causes can be found, in order to encourage this the person who makes a human error is not punished.

What is "Just Culture"? Will also accept "Culture of Safety".

A patient who has just started a new medication is refusing it now on day 3, the nurse knows to do this before she takes the medication back to the cart.

What is assess the reason the patient is refusing, educate the patient on the possible effects of not taking medication then document?


Possible symptoms of a pressure injury at which stage include:

A blister has formed with clear drainage(serous)

Partial thickness skin loss

What is stage 2?


The nurse is assessing his patient with chronic stress, He identifies substance use and self harm as this.

What is negative or maladaptive coping? (also accept poor coping strategies)


Two things a nurse should consider when setting up a room to educate a patient.

What are good lighting and privacy? Will also accept reduced distraction/noise, comfortable temperature, good time for patient, family member presence.