Writing (1)
Inquiry (2)
Collaboration (3)
Organization (4)
Reading (5)

What is the writing format we use in Language Arts and what does it stand for?

ACE Answer, Cite, Elaborate/Explain.


What does asking questions help you with?

Asking questions allows you to better understand something, such as an idea or a concept.


How does collaboration help with large projects?

Collaboration helps with large projects because then you can have more help with it and it will be higher quality.


Is playing on a soccer team and having a plan for the game and example of organization? Why or why not?

Yes, it is because in order to plan, you must be organized in order to create a functional plan for the game.


What Avid strategy would be used to find out who killed Voldemorst last Hororcrux if you've already read the series.

Marking the text or taking notes to remind yourself because notes can help you remember stuff.


What is the purpose of taking notes    🦄unicorn! =) 

Taking notes allows you to write summaries and better understand the main idea and remember the piece of writing.   🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


What is level three question about Harry Potter?

Many answers possible. (ex. If you were a wizard would you be in Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin.) 


Is teamwork the same as collaboration? If so, why, if not why not?

Yes teamwork is similar to collaboration because they both include working together and sharing ideas to create something.


What is a Strategy for Organization? 

Answer may vary. Ask teacher if your strategy is good.


How does marking the text help us understand the main idea of a book?

When marking the text, you often mark main ideas and key details, therefore summarizing the main idea in a text.


What does good notes look like?

Good notes allows you to get what is being said at a glimpse.


If someone told you to research careers how would you start?

You should start by making a list of your interests and passions, to get a good idea of possible careers.


Give 3 example of collaboration outside of school/work.

Examples may vary.

(ex. 1. Working together to create a piece of art for a competition.

       2. Working with others to clean a room/space.

       3. Playing on a sports team and working together to win.


Identify 3 examples of how we can use organization outside of school.

1. Organizing your room.

2. Organizing your office.

3. Organizing your life.


What level book should you read if you want to build your vocabulary?

You could read a dictionary (like some people) or you can read books that are a little bit above your level and a lot of them to learn new words.


A summary is a short piece of writing. How would this help us? 

A summary helps us because it explains the most important ideas of the text, but does not drag on to long. 


What does it mean to have a level 3 question? Give an example.

A level 3 question is a question that you can't answer by simply looking in the text(s), and you must think harder and have background experience. Examples may vary (ex. What would happen to dogs if cats disappeared?


Describe what might occur if there was no collaboration and everyone worked by themselves? 

Examples may vary.

(ex. People may not make much friends and not be as social.)


If three of your assignments are missing because of one student, what could some reasons be that this has happened? (Use organization in your explanation)

Ex. If three assignments are missing, some reasons they could be missing is if someone has a very unorganized backpack, with papers everywhere, three assignments could go missing. This is why you should organize your things, so they don't go missing!


How can we use information from a book you read in one class to add information to an assignment in another class?

(Ex, answers may vary)

Let's say you read a book about animals in ELA, but need to write about a Native American tribe and their culture in S.S. If you took notes on it, and marked the text, you could add information from that book to add to your assignment and also explain how that tribes culture relates to animals.


When writing a summary what are the 3 most important things to remember?

1 Main Idea

2 Key Details                                                        3 Keep it short!


Write a level 3 question about WICOR

Ex. How would our world be different without any of the parts of WICOR?


What are some examples of how you could solve a conflict while doing a group project and better collaborate?

(Answers may vary) 

1 Ask what others think of the topic

2 Find out how everyone's opinion can be included

3 Use information you have gathered to find a solution


How is organizing a group of people similar to organizing a room?

Examples may vary.

(ex. Both if you organize you will be able to get things done easier.)


Pretend you were Harry Potter. How does his responses to certain things differ than what your decisions be?

Examples may vary.

(Ex. If I were Harry I would plan more before fighting Voldemort.)