Emma's last name?
Name of the English cryptanalyst famous for cracking the German Enigma machine during WWII?
Alan Turing
Yearly CTF Event that WiCyS partakes in?
95% of breached records in 2016 came from this number of companies (hint, it's under 5)
What was the name of the movie starring Benedict Cumberbatch, in which he revolutionized cryptography by building a machine to crack the german enigma machine?
The Imitation Game
Most Recent Technical Event hosted by WiCyS?
Intro to Cyptography (by Emma)
International Women in STEM day is when?
February 11th!
Malware stands for?
Malicious Software
This pipeline was hacked and held for ransom last year, causing a massive fuel shortage up the east coast...
What popular Netflix tv show depicted hacking and internet safety in an extreme light?
Black Mirror
Most recent industry event hosted by WiCyS?
Booz Allen Event!
This woman won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 for her contribution to the understanding of radiation?
Marie Curie
This professor teaches Intro to Cybersecurity here at UVA (and is WiCyS' advisor)...
Angela Orebaugh!
This company endured a cybersecurity attack, exposing the sensitive data in firms such as Microsoft and top government agencies...
What cyber-focused tv show starring Rami Malek became popular a few years ago?
Mr. Robot
Many times has Emma cited this "unreliable" site for her email fun facts? (Extra fun fact/clue, it isn't that unreliable)
This United States Federal Agency has been tasked with improving national cybersecurity and protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure
The department of homeland security
In what popular movie did a high school student hack the school system and change the days he’d been recorded absent?
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
First-ever cyber attack was done by this pair of brothers (whose last name is just a badly misspelled taylor swift song)
Blanc Brothers
Ada Lovelace
The difference between http and https is...
https is encrypted!
This bounty was offered by the US government for any information regarding to the Darkside randomware group?
$10 Million
In what decade came the earliest depiction of hacking in a Hollywood movie?
1980s (extra points for 1982)