True or false.
I should answer first and then listen.
False. Listen first and then... answer.
True or false.
The reading test reads the questions to me.
False, you have to read everything on your own during the reading test.
What should you NOT touch during the speaking test?
The microphone
What type of sentences should I use?
A. Short sentences
B. Long sentences
C. A variety of short and long sentences
C. A variety of short and long sentences
True or false.
Whoever finishes the test first gets the best score.
FALSE! Take your time! It is not a race. The student that adds the most details and information while taking his or her time scores better than other students.
Normally, how many times will the test repeat a question?
Zero times. The test only says the information one time out loud.
True or false.
I can answer the reading questions without reading.
False. You need to read the information at least 2-3 times before answering the questions.
What level voice should you use?
You should use a normal voice level. Do not yell or whisper. Do not speak too fast or too slow. Speak at a normal speed and speak clearly.
What should I add to make my writing better?
True or false.
It is the END OF THE WORLD if I don't do well on this test!
False! It's just a test, but you still need to do your best!
After I click the yellow "next" arrow, can I go back to the previous question?
Where can you find hints to the answer besides the reading?
Pictures, titles, and directions
What should you do before you talk?
Think and make a plan about what you are going to say.
What should I do first on the writing test?
Think and make a plan about what you will write.
If you miss a listening prompt, what can you do to try to hear it again?
Click "pause test" and then click "resume".
Who is Nina on the test? Why should I listen to her answers?
She is the example student. My answers should be as detailed and provide the same information as hers do.
What should I do if I read the question AND looked at the pictures but I still don't know the answer.
Try to eliminate answers that you know are wrong, then take your best guess.
How long should I talk for?
Until the time runs out
Pick the academic vocabulary word. What is academic vocabulary?
A. Large
B. Big.
C. Enormous
C. Enormous
Academic vocabulary is more formal that everyday language.
What are the 4 tests in the ACCESS?
What should I do if I can't hear the test?
Turn up the volume or raise your hand to ask for help.
True or false.
I should go as fast as I can on the reading test.
FALSE! Take your time and read well! Read multiple times to make sure you understand the information before answering.
What should I do if I say the wrong thing?
DON'T STOP! Keep talking and fix your mistake. The more you speak, the higher your score will be.
How much should I write?
As much as you can! More is better and it will give you a higher score.
What does Mrs. Horner want you to do on the test?
Do your best!