Guess the Level
Facts About WIDA
Strategies for Success

What level is this skill?

Students can communicate in simple short sentences with some mistakes, and can follow simple directions.

It is level 2.


How many score levels are on the WIDA test?

There are 6 levels. 

Why do we take the WIDA test?

Give me one reason.

Examples: It tests our English skills. It helps us leave the EL program. It gives us learning intentions and standards to practice.


What is 1 strategy you can use to improve your sentences?

Examples: Use capitals and punctuation. Use high level vocabulary (fancy words). Use a new word every day.


Who is the person that presents the WIDA test to you? What is their name?

Hint: it is not your EL teacher.

Ms. Ornellas!


"We have a math test tomorrow. Math is really hard. I need to study."

What level is this?

It is level 3. 

They are talking about a familiar topic using full sentences.


What are the 4 test SECTIONS? Name them.

Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening


What is one benefit of exiting the EL program by passing the WIDA test?

Examples: More confidence in classes; helps socializing with friends; take new electives.


Fill in the blank:

"Always use _____ ________ with punctuation."

"full sentences"


When do you take the WIDA test?

You take it around January and February.


"name Sarah"

What level is this sentence, 1-6?

It is level 1. 

Bonus 100: Why is this level 1?


Is the WIDA test timed?

No. However, most sections take around 40-60 minutes to finish.


What WIDA score do you need to exit the EL program?

I need a 5.0 Overall Score.


I said that to practice English, you should use conjunctions. 

What are conjunctions?

Conjunctions are words that help connect two sentences/ideas.

Examples: but, and, because, then


"The novel explores themes of resilience and adversity, illustrating how the protagonist's internal conflicts are mirrored by the tumultuous setting of the story."

What WIDA level is this?

It is level 6:

Bonus 100: Why is it level 6?


What are the 4 STANDARDS you will be tested on?

Narrate, Inform, Explain, Argue


How does practicing English for our WIDA test help us in other classes?

Examples: It helps us write our assignments. It helps us participate in discussions. It helps us practice new vocabulary.


Fill in the blank: "Give more _____/_____ for everything you say."


To be terrific, be specific!


What level is this skill?

Students can have longer conversations and can speak/write in academic settings.

It is level 4.


What does WIDA stand for?

World Class Instructional Design and Assessment


What is one specific goal you have to improve your English?

Examples: Practice one new word every day; Spend 10 minutes speaking English with a trusted classmate; Use the conjunction "but" in 10 sentences today in class.


I said we should practice a new word every day.

What kinds of new words should we practice?

Examples: New words we learn. Words that are in a higher level. Words that are "fancy". Vocabulary words from other classes.