the natural appearance of the skin on a person's face, especially its colour or quality
a pale complexion
to wear artificial hair on the head to hid ea loss of hair
wear a wig
платье в горошек
a polka-dot dress
ювелирные изделия
tense for timetable
present simple
a small brown spot on the skin, usually on the face, especially of a person with pale skin
a freckle
it can be no longer used because it's so old or it has been damaged by continued use
worn out
футболка с короткими рукавами
a short-sleeved T-shirt
future of MUST
will have to
with a pattern of squares formed by lines of different colours crossing each other
a show for the public where models wear new styles of clothes
fashion show
лак для ногтей
nail varnish
резиновые сапоги
future of CAN
will be able
a piece of hair that is added to a person's own hair or eyelashes in order to make it or them longer
a large covered shopping area where cars are not allowed
shopping mall
Эти брюки идеально сидят на тебе.
These trousers fit you perfectly.
выпрямлять волосы
future arrangements
present continuous
a string that you use to fasten openings especially in shoes
a person's accepted or official position in a social group or in society
social status
Этот свитер в полоску сочетается с твоей юбкой по цвету.
This striped sweater matches your skirt.
спортивный костюм
5 verbs which aren't used in continuous apart from LIKE, LOVE, HATE
be, believe, want, know, prefer, remember, understand