Heads Up! It was launched as "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda" in 1929
This ancient marvel is the only surviving wonder of the original seven, located in Egypt
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Its origins trrace to a medieval French game called jeu de paume
This wizarding sport has the objective to catch the golden snitch.
Emily visited this landmark with the Colorado River at the bottom.
The Grand Canyon
With the most famous soda flavor from this brand, you get "Real Ginger. Real Taste"
Canada Dry (ginger ale)
There's no way I'm walking the entire length of this marvel; it's nearly 14,000 miles!
Great Wall of China
Inflammation of the Achilles
This annual event pits 24 tributes against one another to fight to the death.
The Hunger Games
Luke customized a personal light saber at this theme park.
Disney World
In addition to root beet, A&W also sells this flavor of soda
Cream Soda
This iconic marvel stands 98 ft tall, with arms outstretched, over looks Rio de Ranerio.
Christ the Redeemer
This high speed sport features races through treacherous courses on planets like Tatooine.
Pod Racing
Instead of spending Thanksgiving in the cold, Alex and Miranda went here.
Cancun, Mexico
For much of the previous decade, this fruity brand from Coca-Cola had its own colorful group of spokesmodels
This ancient marvel's light was created by fires of wood or oil and intensified by several metal mirrors.
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Persistent or Stubborn
This competitive race within the digital world, where riders leave walls of light in their wake.
Tron Light Cycle
Matt visited this lake on the California-Nevada border for a ski trip.
Lake Tahoe
In 1983 it added Ruby Red to its line of sodas
Rediscovered in 1812, this ancient city marvel in Jordan got it's name from the Greek word for Rock
Capable of being maintained or supported, like an opinion
This sport played by Fox children involves hitting a pine cone with a stick and trying to avoid various chaotic obstacles.
Wackbat (Fantastic Mr. Fox)
This year, Mom finally visited this iconic Chicago landmark.
Navy Pier