How many days can an AA member book in advance?
30 days?
What is the WeWork CEO's name?
John C. Santora
WeWork globally for the 3rd month in a row reached a new NPS personal best. What is the global NPS?
Scott Hekking has a lovely name, what affectionate nickname have some people adorned him with?
Scot The Kking
Australia came in which position on the 2024 Olympic medal tally board?
4th Place
How should an AA member have their M&P addressed to the building?
Trick question; they don't have M&P included
What is the CEO's name of Yardi?
Anant Yardi
September Brand Moment Event was just announced. On which date is it scheduled for?
September 12th
The ping pong table can be found on which floor at 222x?
What's the longest river in Australia
The Murray River
What is the AA capacity of 120S
Jess Murphy's middle name is what?
Starting August 28th, which WeWork membership will have access to a partner co-working space 'Vast'?
The Lizzie Library is found on which floor at 152e?
Which Australian city was Wade born in?
How much is an On Demand desk booking at 120?
Balder Tol is of which national origin?
Dutch/The Netherlands
Which Australian building was chosen to host the recent WeWork Day Open House?
1 Sussex St
at 120s which floor is the photography studio?
What class of animal is a platypus
How many Australian buildings can an All Access PLUS member book at?
Which WeWork ECG (employee community group) recently advertised as having 7 opening positions in their global leadership roles?
Pride of WeWork!
What WeWork email address can be sent an email and a support request will be generated automatically?
What is the collective noun for Kangaroos?
A mob! (sometimes a court, herd, and troop)