Spelling & Word Origins
Text Based Questions
Analyze Arguments
Evaluate Arguments
Compare & Contrast

Everyone has to _______ in the lunch line in order to get their food.

weight | wait | weit



This is the claim from Wild Animals Aren't Pets, supported by strong reasons such as "they are often mistreated".

What is "Wild animals are not pets, and we should have stronger laws"?


This is a form of writing that expresses a position on an issue or problem.

What is an argument?


These are statements that arguments try to prove with support from reasoning and evidence.

What are claims?

After the tragedy that unfolded from the police being forced to open fire on the released menagerie of Terry Thompson, this writer protested for the right for people to own these exotic beasts.

Who is Zuzana Kukol?


Another name for this word might be "zoo".

What is a menagerie?


This is one of the reasons proposed by Zuzana Kukol, as to why people should be able to own exotic animals.

What is "Some owners are responsible"? or What is "Dangers from exotic animals are low"?


A type of reasoning that uses a generally accepted idea to draw a conclusion about a specific situation.

Ex: Many people are allergic to cats. Allison sneezes when she’s around cats. Therefore, Allison is allergic to cats. 

What is deductive reasoning?


To evaluate an argument, readers must identify these errors in reasoning that weaken the argument, and evaluate the strength of supporting evidence, such as red herring, band wagoning, and false analogy.

What are logical fallacies?


Trace and evaluate each argument, readers should: identify its claim, follow its reasoning, and this.

What is determining the strength of its evidence?


Read the origin of the word intervene.

From the Latin inter- (“between”) and -venire (“to come”)

Based on this information, what is the meaning of the word intervene in paragraph 9 of “Wild Animals Aren’t Pets”?

To get involved


In paragraph 9 of Wild Animals Aren't Pets, the article lists eight states with no laws against people keeping dangerous animals as pets are listed. Name five of them.

Alabama, Idaho, Ohio, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia and Wisconsin


Name two things an author needs to do what when writing an argument.

Pick a clear side.

Give evidence to support their claim.

Use reasoning to explain why the evidence matters.

Give reasons as to why they believe what they do.


What evidence does Wild Animals Aren't Pets use to support their claim?

The tragedies:

The Zanesville, Ohio, menagerie massacre

The chimp mauling of a friend/neighbor

The strangling of a 2-year-old Florida girl by a Burmese python


Unlike is USA Today counterpart, Let People Own Exotic Animals does not use this kind of reasoning.

What is "fact-based reasoning"?


The study of this shows the origin and historical development of a word 

What is etymology?


Read the evidence below:

The Asiatic cheetah population has plummeted to no more than 50 in a once densely populated area of Iran.

Which article does this new piece of evidence belong to?

Let People Own Exotic Animals


Analyze the paragraph below:

If that weren’t already obvious, it became more so when collector Terry Thompson opened the cages on his Zanesville farm, springing dozens of lions, tigers, bears and other wild creatures before killing himself. With animals running loose and darkness closing in, authorities arrived with no good choices to protect the public. They shot all but a handful of the animals as the nation watched, transfixed and horrified.

Identify three examples of extreme language used in the text.

Answers may include:

"springing dozens of lions, tigers, bears..."

"With animals running loose and darkness closing in..."

"...no good choices to protect"

"...shot all but a handful of the animals..."

"...nation watched, transfixed and horrified."


Identify the logical fallacy used in this paragraph:

I believe that students should be allowed to use their phones to go on social media sites like Instagram and TikTok because global communication is a priority today, and schools should not limit the rights of students. Right now, social media is on the rise, and no school wants to be caught slacking. By allowing students to access Instagram, schools will be current and trending, which is a good thing, because no one wants to go to a boring, dull school.

What is bandwagon appeal?


Hos does Let People Own Exotic Animals treat the issue of "exotic" or wild animals killing humans in comparison to Wild Animals Aren't Pets?

Let People Own Exotic Animals is dismissive of the issue and minimizes it by comparing it to other causes of death and fatal injuries.


True or False: Words that share the same root probably do not have related meanings.



Summarize each author’s claim and supporting evidence. Does each author include enough evidence?

The writer of “Wild Animals Aren’t Pets” claims that people should not own wild animals as pets. The writer of “Let People Own Exotic Animals” claims that people should be allowed to own wild animals as pets. Both writers present evidence to support their claims, but more statistics, cited sources, and fewer logical fallacies would strengthen their arguments. Students might find the first text more authoritative. It shows public safety is a concern and provides tragic examples as evidence.