WildCard 1
WildCard 2

Lt Hales falls asleep while on a C-130 transport and accidentally rolls out of the rear while in flight. Luckily, Lt Hales is an expert in falling and impacts into an enemy patrol base without a bruise. Lt Hales now wishes to radio back to the C-130 to let them know he rolled the PB up. What frequency should Lt Hales try first to contact the C-130?

Answer: UHF, used for ground to air communications (and air to air).


Lt Butters screams off in his F-35 at mach 2 and then reclines back and is served champagne and caviar while en-route. Lt Geary, pinned down in enemy trenches eventually secures 25 enemy KIA and receives a tactical nuke at his disposal. Lt Geary calls it in, Lt Butters is fast asleep due to the chair massage function but alas his F-35 automatically drops the ordnance for him. Unfortunately, Lt Matthews got lost while returning from the head and a tactical nuke drops on his head in the battlefield. Lt Geary is reprimanded because he did not give Lt Butters detailed integration of each mission with fire and movement of friendly forces. In other words, Lt Geary did not understand the difference between Deep Air Support and Close Air Support, please explain it for him.

Note: Lt Geary’s K/D/A was not affected by Lt Matthew’s vaporization.

Answer: DAS: defined as air action against enemy targets at such a distance from friendly forces that the detailed integration of each mission with fire and movement of friendly forces is not required. 


Lt Belden is bored in the field and wants to tune into his favorite Latino pop radio station in Mexico using his issued PRC 150 radio. What frequency is his best bet to make the range requirements needed to receive such transmissions?

Answer: HF, HF can communicate over great distances “Pendleton to Oki”


List at least 3 “Air Assault Support” capabilities/functions?

Answer: Air logistical support, combat assault transport, air delivery, air evacuation, battlefield illumination, aerial refueling and tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel (TRAP).


Lt Folsom, now a logistics officer, was told by his commander to make his new logistics plan “Sustainable”. Lt Folsom decides to do away with the 7-tons for troop transport and instead opts to use Toyota Priuses, which get significantly better gas mileage. Did Lt Folsom misinterpret “Logistic Sustainability”, if so, how?

Answer: Sustainability - The ability to maintain logistics support to all users throughout the area of operations for the duration of the operations.


After Lt Butter’s annihilation of Lt Matthews, Lt Walker at the airfield uses her authority to cancel Lt Butter’s future missions at his request, until his F-35’s seat heater and built in Spotify connectivity is fixed. Is Lt Walker’s authority in “Air Direction” or “Air Control”?

Answer: Air Direction - Authority to regulate the employment of air resources. Includes developing air tasking orders, processing air support requests, collecting information concerning mission status, and changing or altering prescheduled missions.

Air Control is the authority to direct physical maneuver of aircraft.


What are the 4 phases of maintenance?

Answer: 1 -  Acceptance of equipment. 2 - Equipment induction. 3 - Active maintenance. 4 - Maintenance closeout.


Lance Corporal Schmuckatelli had enough of his platoon commander and decided to form a revolution force among his peers demanding a 10am ODT. Unfortunately, Lance Corporal Schmuckatelli failed to acquire a steady supply of Zyn and protein bars, which caused dereliction in his standing units. What Warfighting function did Lance Corporal Schmuckatelli fail to consider?



Explain why “Health Services” is not managed from a logistical element.

Answer: Trick question, health services are also supported from logistics elements.


1)Lance Corporal Schmuckatelli fixed his logistical issues by resorting to Dominoes delivery. However, Lance Corporal Schmuckatelli left his delivery drivers unguarded when they left their store to TBS. Unfortunately for the Dominoes delivery driver, his vehicle was ambushed by the opposition, resulting in his pizza resupply to fail. What Warfighting function could Lance Corporal Schmuckatelliemploy to safeguard his logistical capabilities?

Force Protection