What was the last event on Wild Horse Islands?
Summer event (2023)
What is the first island that you visit in the game?
Tutorial Island
What is the lowest tier gem that you can find?
Clear Quartz
A breed which has already been remodelled, and is one of the more desired breeds in the game
The NPC that everyone meets up to buy, sell and to trade at
What was the first arabian event horse in the game?
Spring Arabian
What is the level 500 island called?
Volcano Island
Where is the Ruby found?
Desert Island
A breed which is fast, and only has 2 events to its name
The NPC at training island, who takes your training receipts and makes a cool accessory/horse
What event was the mushroom fjord released?
Autumn event
What was the highest island before Volcano Island came out?
Lunar Island
Where is the Amethyst Found?
Jungle Island
A newer breed, this breed was released around a month ago and has one event horse to its name.
Akhal Teke
The NPC at Royal Island, who exchanges artefacts with accessories and other nonsense.
Pumpkin seeds came in this event
Autumn event
True or False, in the Halloween event, there was an event island added
What is the mineral that spawns on volcano island in completely random places, like in the lava or at the top?
Volcanic Minerals
A older breed, which only has 2 event horses to its name, is known for its strength, and has also been remodelled recently
The NPC at Jungle Island, who is an explorer and likes to have his binoculars close by, and you can also receive a secret aura behind his hut if you read the clues
What was the event which you had to collect Golden Snowflakes?
Winter Event
Which island has the quarry on it?
Royal island
What is the highest selling gem in the game so far?
Prismatic Gems
A breed which was released right before the autumn event with the release of Volcano island, this horse currently has 2 event horses to its name, and they are both orange.
The NPC at Volcano Island, who is very fitting of his name and you trade volcanic minerals to him, hoping for him to give you an infernal horse