What was the name of my dog?
What was the name of my first dnd campaign?
Gods Unchained
What is my favorite pokemon
Whats my favorite anime
Dr Stone
What is my favorite tv show
Brooklyn 99
What is my favorite color?
What spell requires Bat Guano to cast it?
What was my chosen school in Wizard101?
Who is my favorite anime character
Sanji Vinsmoke
Name any of my top 3 soundtracks for movies
How to train your dragon, The wild robot, One piece film red
Name 1 of the 3 people I would ask to be my best man at my wedding
Ryan, Josiah, Kolone
What is my favorite class to play?
Name my main for each class in Marvel Rivals
The Thing, Squrriel Girl, Jeff the Land Shark
What is my favorite Isekai
Shield Hero
Who is my favorite youtuber
Dumplings, Mac n Cheese, Steak Burritos, Eggs Benedict, Seafood Alfredo, Garlic Bread
What classes do i have the offical dice for?
Druid, Cleric, Sorcerer
What is my favorite biome in minecraft
Cherry Blossom
What is my main problem when it comes to anime
Name any of my top five movies
Httyd, The wild robot, Knives Out, Glass Onion, Detective Pikachu
What was the name of my nissan Murano
What is my favorite dnd spell?
Chaos Bolt
What is my all time favorite video game?
What was the first anime i ever watch
Who is my favorite music artist