
Not as large as it's grizzly cousin, you should still take precautions to avoid this animal 

What is a Black Bear


Not to be confused with it's non-poisonous look-a-like the Gopher Snake. This snake will let you know when you are getting too close. 

What is a Rattlesnake 


This bird once saved the early Utah settlers from an onslaught of crickets, so it became the State Bird of Utah 

What is a (California Gull) Seagull 


Even though it has a white tail, this is not a whitetail deer. You can tell because of the black tip on the end of the white tail. 

What is a Mule Deer


This member of the evergreen family presumably was named because the they grew so tall that you could cut them down and use them as POLEs to build a LODGE

What is a (Lodgepole) Pine


This predatory cat can be found throughout the State of Utah, not just in Provo. 

What is a Cougar


This plant has pointy "compass like" leafs and little balls or pods that will "sting" you if you touch them 

What is Stinging Nettle 


It only make sense that the beehive state would have this as it's state insect

What is a (Honey) Bee


Although their natural habitat is the forest you can often find these fluffy tailed rodents in your back yard. 

What is a (Grey) Squirrel. 


The tree that produces this leaf also has two canyons named after it in the Salt Lake Valley 

What is a Cottonwood Tree 


The X-Man Logan is named after this small but feisty creature

What is a Wolverine 


Kevin McCalister used this hairy spider to fend of a home intrusion. The spider also be found sunbathing on local trails 

What is a Tarantula. 


The State flow of Utah is something you can SEE as you GO through the state of Utah 

What is a Sego Lilly 


Although they look similar and are bigger than deer, these antlered creatures are not just grown up deer. These animals also make a loud distinctive bugle call.  

What is an Elk 


Famous for its big beautiful leafs, helicopter like seed pods...oh and also the syrup the tree produces, OK its mostly the syrup. 

What is a Maple Tree


This small dog like creature is not as dumb as the cartoons suggest, and usually hunts in packs 

What is a Coyote 


This poisonous plant has three leafs and a Batman villain Named after it. 

What is Poison Ivy


The Utah state tree is famous for it's white and black bark and it's colorful fall leafs

What is a (Quaking) Aspen


This animal can grow more than 6ft tall, carry up to 40 lbs of antlers on their head and can swim up to 6 mph. BULLWINKLE! that is a big tough creature  

What is a Moose


This can grow tall like a tree or short like a bush and produces these blue "berries"

What is a Juniper Tree


Just because it has grey hair doesn't mean it is old, this howling creature only lives 6-8 years. 

What is a (Grey) Wolf 


If you go camping at the sand dunes you should probably shake your shoes out in the morning to be sure one of these did not sneak inside overnight. 

What is a Scorpion 


The state fish of Utah has a red stripe under its mouth that make sit look like someone cut it's throat and is get's part of it's name from the lake that covered the valley thousands of years ago. 

What is the (Bonneville) Cutthroat Trout


This is the second fastest animal on land. Perhaps its short antlers make it more aerodynamic?

What is a (Pronghorn) Antelope


The tree that produces this leaf also starts producing acorns once it is 20+ years old

What is an Oak Tree