Patient Assessment
Wilderness Survival
Wound Care
Mixed Bag I
Mixed Bag II

What should the rescuer look for during a scene size up

1) scene safety

2) MOI

3) Body Substance Isolation

4) # of Patients

5) General Impression


This is considered “wilderness” and this is also when first aid becomes “wilderness first aid?”

What is remote areas where access to medical services, support, and facilities is limited or non-existent. 

Rule of thumb, 30 min - 1 hour from the nearest hospital

First method to control external bleeding
What is direct pressure

Something that is done directly after the scene size up

What is: Identify self and level of training, obtain consent to treat

Bonus note:  Briefly communicate with your group/team


List different ways you can get burned, the different categories of causes

What is Thermal, Chemical, Electrical, & Radiation


Next steps after you complete the physical exam, vital signs, and history

What is develop a problem list and treatment plan

Most SAR scenarios involve day hikes. These are the two characteristics most often associated with victims of the SAR cases
What is under prepared and overconfident.
If direct pressure fails to control bleeding, then this should be done next
What is press harder and elevate the area if appropriate

Evacuation guidelines for wound infections

1) Evacuate any patient with an infection not responding to treatment with 12-24 hours

2) Rapidly evacuate any patient with signs or symptoms of serious infection


Is Brian a Poo Poo Head?


What's wrong with you?


"Stop and Fix" steps in the patient assessment 

What is airway, breathing, circulation


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What is Prevention

A handy dandy acronym that you can use to recognize the signs of infection

What is SHARP



Aches or pains



This should be done to check for breathing in an unresponsive victim
What is keep the airway open while look, listening, and feeling for breathing.

Nearly all successfully run field emergencies have the same three components:

What is: 

1. A clear leader 

2. Well thought-out plans 

3. Superb communication

The four fast changing vitals
What are HR, RR, SCTM, LOR

A state in which the body's circulatory system fails to deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to the organs and tissues . Which can lead to reversible then irreversible damage

What is shock


5 Principles for treating cold stress to mild hypothermia 

1) Change the patients environment

2) Insulate the patient

3) Add heat packs or water bottles

4) Add calories 

5) Alert patient can use exercise to generate heat


5 Treatment Principles for Seizure 

1. Protect from harm, but do no retrain

2. Do not place bite stick or any other object in the mouth

3. Place patient on their side to maintain open airway

4. Perform a complete patient assessment to check for injuries

5. Protect patient's dignity 

These are the two types of consent
What are expressed and implied

The questions you ask to get more information about a Chief Complaint 

What is onset of pain, what provokes the pain, quality of pain (sharp -vs-dull), region/radiate, severity (1-10), time (how long has pain been present.


When should participants see the first aid kit we carry and get an idea of everything we carry in it 

What is: Before the trip begins or before your first activity. So at the pre-trip meeting or the morning of the trip


Altered Mental Status: Things that can cause altered the brain " To S.T.O.P." 

To: Toxins

S: Sugar/Seizure 

T: Temperature


P: Pressure

These are the steps to complete a patient history?
What is Signs and symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Pertinent med hx, Last ins and outs, Event(s).

The drowning chain of survival ( 5 Chain links)  

1) Prevent drowning

2) Recognize distress 

3) Provide floatation 

4) Remove from water

5) Provide care