Mystery 1
Mystery 2
Mystery 3

What is hypothermia?
a. A needle used by doctors to inject vaccine.
b. A fancy name for hot weather.
c. The dangerous loss of body warmth.
d. A disease-carrying mosquito.

C, The dangerous loss of body warmth


The best way to render water safe to drink is

A. Remove your tee shirt, sock or other cotton material, and use it to filter the water 

B. Leave it out in the sunlight so that the sun's UV rays can kill any microorganisms 

C. Boil it

D. Add green grass and leaves and allow the plants to naturally kill any microbes.

C. Boil it- -Short of chemical treatment, the best way to make water safe to drink is boiling it!


In an emergency situation, drinking small amounts of salt water will keep you from dehydrating until fresh water can be found.

True or false?

False, never drink salt water


 If your feet stay wet for a prolonged period, you can develop:

A. Athlete's Foot

B. Trench Foot

C. Smelly Foot

D. Toe Jam

B. Trench Foot


Which color of clothing is the easiest for searchers to see in the forest?
a. Green.
b. Yellow.
c. Blue.
d. Purple.

B, Yellow


What does poison ivy look like?

A. Four leaves

B. Circle shaped leaves

C. Red leaves

D. Three pointy leaves

D. Three pointy leaves


A good way to procure water is to: 

a) Cut up a bunch of plants, squeeze out the sap and drink it.

b) Make a divining rod from a forked stick, walk around until the stick dips, then dig in that spot.

c) Kill some game and drink the blood. 

d) Walk downhill

D. Walk downhill- Water flows downhill and collects in valleys and low areas. Go there to find it! 


Which crucial need you should first address if you are lost in the woods during a thunderstorm? 

A. Food

B. Water

C. Shelter

D. Fire

C. Shelter. Shelter from the elements is your first priority. Hypothermia can set in within 20 minutes, shelter will keep you from losing more heat and allow you to raise your body temperature. Once your shelter has been established you can focus on water, then food.


Before leaving camp alone or hiking away from your group, what should you do?
a. Pack enough food and water for 24 hours.
b. Talk to an adult about where you’re going and when you’ll return.
c. Take all your equipment with you.
d. Leave a note.

B, Talk to an adult about where you’re going and when you’ll return


How long can a healthy human go without food as long as they have water? 

A) 8 weeks

B) 7 days

C) 3 days

D) 4 weeks

A, 8 weeks


If you suddenly feel like you’re lost, what should you do?

a. Turn around and run as fast as you can back the way you came.
b. Hike downhill to reach civilization.
c. Hike to the top of a hill so you can get a view of the surrounding area.
d. Stop right where you are and wait for someone to find you.

d. Stop right where you are and wait for someone to find you.


If you must cross a river what should you do?

A. Find a spot downstream from a sandbar as the water will be calmer

B. Find a rocky area as the water will be shallow and you have hand and food holds

C. Find a level stretch where it breaks into a few channels

D. Build a bridge

C. Find a level stretch where it breaks into a few channels