Shelter Building
Finding Water
Fire Starting
Edible Plants
Animal Encounters

This natural material is often used to make a roof for a shelter.

What is leaves, branches, or grass. 


What natural source of water can you find by digging a hole in the ground near a water source?

What is a seep or a spring?


What do you need to start a fire? (Name at least two items)

What is matches, a lighter, flint and steel, or a magnifying glass.


Name one wild plant that is safe to eat without cooking.

What is berries (like blueberries or raspberries) or wild greens (like dandelion leaves).


What should you do if you encounter a bear in the wild?

What is stay calm, back away slowly, and speak calm to the bear?


Name one item you could use to tie branches together when building a shelter.

What is vines, ropes, or strips of bark.


Name one method to purify water found in the wild.

What is boiling, using water purification tablets, or using a portable water filter.


Name a natural material that is good for starting a fire.

What is dry leaves, birch bark, or pine needles. 


What should you do to make sure a plant is safe to eat?

What is identify it correctly using a field guide, and if unsure, do a smell test and touch test before tasting a small amount.


Name one way to scare away a snake if you encounter one.

What is stomp the ground heavily or make loud noises to scare it away.


True or false: A lean-to shelter is built with three walls.

What is true. 


True or false: Drinking water directly from a river or lake without purifying it is safe.

What is false. 


True or false: Rubbing two sticks together is an easy way to start a fire.

What is false.


True or false: All brightly coloured berries found in the wild are safe to eat.

What is false. 


True or false: You should run away from a wild animal if it starts chasing you.

What is false: you should stand your ground, make yourself look big, and slowly back away.