Getting Home

When picking your survival shelter site make sure it is placed.....

-Where it easily can been seen.

-On ground that is dry and well drained.


True or False: Hunting is an easier and more effective

way of getting food than setting up traps.



How long can a person survive without water?

Three days.


If you are on a mountain and you are lost, and you find a stream, what should you do?

Follow the stream downhill till you get to a road.


If lost in the wilderness, what is the first thing you should do?

A. Find a shelter, B. Begin yelling for help, C. Sit down and relax, collect your thoughts, D. Find water, or E. Make a signal fire.

C. Sit down and relax, collect your thoughts.


Where should your shelter not be..

Near water or in low lying areas, such as dry riverbeds


How long can a human survive without food?

Three Weeks


True or False: When getting water off of a stream, it is best to skim it off the top.

False, there are dirt and moss particles that float on the top.


If lost, why should you stay in one place, and wait it out?

-If you told someone, people are probably looking for you.

-Lost people have a tendency to walk in circles.

-From experience, wandering around just makes things go further wrong.

-If you begin running around trying to find out where you are, especially in the dark, you risk falling or injuring yourself.


If you are bitten by a snake you should…

A: Suck out the venom, spitting it out quickly.

B: Write the time down that you were bit and find a doctor.

C: Ice the bite and find a doctor

D: Cut out the poison

B- it is important for the paramedics to know how long the

venom has been in your body. Never try to suck out

the venom, you could swallow it.


What is the easiest kind of shelter?

A. A-Frame B. Lean-To C. Snow Shelter D. Tarp Shelter

D. Tarp Shelter

Using a tarp to build an A-Frame or Lean-To structure is

easiest because then you don't have to find sticks

and pile them on the sides.


True or False: Plants serve as a good source of nutrition in a survival situation.



What is the most certain way to make sure suspect water is pure and safely disinfected?



Name three distress signals.

-SOS -Three Campfires in a line, or in a triangle -Signals of three, or in Europe it is six within one min. -American flag inverted.


Q: How far from water, campsites, and trails should an outdoor bathroom be?

A: As close as possible

B: 200 Feet

C: 50 Feet

D: 20 Feet

B: 200 Feet


Name three types of shelters.

-Debris Hut (A-Frame)


-Snow Cave

-Tree-Pit Snow Shelter



Which is the hardest trap to set?

A. Figure 4, B. Noose, C. Pit fall Trap, or D. Bird Trap.

C. The pit fall because it requires digging a hole, then covering it up with sticks and leaves.


A good tool to find water is your...



True or False: In Alaska, it is against the law to pass by a hitchhiker



In cold weather, when is it time to stop and build a fire to warm yourself?

A. When you feel cold and begin to shiver, B. When your fingers are numb with cold, C. When it is 5:00 PM, D. When you feel frozen, or E. When your ears feel cold.

When you feel cold and begin to shiver, and

When your fingers are numb with cold.


True or False: When building a shelter, branches, leaves, and grass will keep the water out.


If branches are laid the right way it will act like a tree and

carry the water out and down. Branches should be

laid thicker end up, with the leaves pointing down.


White or milky liquid coming from a plant stem means.

A. It is high in calcium, B. It has frozen, C. It has to be cooked first, or D. It is poisonous

D. It is Posionous

It will KILL you.


What three chemicals are commonly used in water purification?

Iodine and Chlorine.


What side of a tree does moss usually grow on?

North, more towards northeast. Because that side has less

sun and is most moist


When you are signaling for help and you think a plane has spotted you, how do you know that they have?

They will roll side to side.