Why are wildfires bad for you ?
mixtures of gas release when things burn. this particles will affect your eyesight, lungs, and even heart
destroy homes, even worse is killing human
What is arson?
The criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
What do firefighters do?
They put out and prevent wildfires and other fires that pose a threat.
Why do wildfires benefit some forests?
They maintain space between trees, so that they can get more sunlight.
Why do fires climb uphill?
Because hot air rises and brings embers uphill.
What are the three things you need to start a fire?
Fuel, oxygen, and a spark (ignition temperature).
What is a fireline?
A line that firefighters dig, around a wildfire that is free of flammable materials to stop the spread of fire.
How did elk adapt to wildfires?
Wildfires create a new habitat for elk to seek shelter and fine food.
What are the four kinds of wildfire?
1.Ground Fire
2.Ladder Fire
3.Crown Fire
4. Surface Fire
How can setting small, controlled fires help prevent wildfires?
It burns away vegetation, so that it can't be fuel for future uncontrolled wildfires.
How do firefighters use phosphate fertilizer to fight fires?
They drop tons of phosphate fertilizer from a helicopter onto wildfires to slow their spread.
What are serotinous pine cones in lodgepole pines?
They have some pinecones that open and germinate their seeds when exposed to wildfire.
At what temperature does wood start to burn?
230 - 250 degrees Celsius (450 - 500 Fahrenheit)
What percentage of wildfires worldwide are caused by humans?
What does a Swamper do?
A swamper is a firefighter that gets flammable materials away from the fire.
What plant is known for rapidly growing in a recently burned area?
What is the speed of wildfire ?
14miles/ hour
Who allegedly started the Great Chicago fire in 1871?
Mrs. O'Leary's cow, who knocked over a lantern, which set the barn on fire, which set the entire city on fire.
What is this?
A fire shelter, which is a quickly erected tent for sheltering firefighters from unavoidable walls of fire.
How have black-backed woodpeckers adapted to the aftermath of wildfires?
It is a burn specialist, meaning that it occurs almost exclusively in severely burned forests. their beaks are specialized to peck through burnt wood to eat Mountain Pine beetles, and they camouflage against it.