Incentive Programs
Forest Types
Rangeland/Grassland Management
Bird Marking/Surveying
Urban Wildlife Management
An organization that provides services as a voluntary program offering landowners the opportunity to protect, restore, and enhance wetlands on their property
What is WRP - Wetland Reserve Program
This forest type occurs at lower elevations and is dominated by Pinus echinata.
What is shortleaf pine forest type
The primary disturbance (human induced or natural) in grasslands that they have adapted to...
What is fire
A tool scientist’s apply to bird species to monitor bird population’s and track where individuals locate to that is not enforced electronically
What is a bird band?
The 5th fastest growing state
What is North Carolina?
An organization that provides services as a voluntary program for conservation-minded landowners who want to develop and improve wildlife habitat on agricultural land, nonindustrial private forest land, and Indian land
What is WHIP - Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program
Rhododendron, dog hobble and mountain laurel dominate the understory of this cover type which occurs at low to mid elevations. Dominant tree species include poplar, maple, cherry, hemlock and red oaks.
What is a cove forest.
Arguably one of the most detrimental impacts that occurs to rangelands is caused by what process?
What is overgrazing?
A long-term, large-scale, international avian monitoring program initiated in 1966 to track the status and trends of North American bird populations
What is the North American Breeding Bird Survey or BBS?
A development strategy to help preserve open space and natural areas while maintaining density levels
What are conservation subdivisions
A program that makes a deal with farmers that in exchange for a yearly rental payment, farmers agree to remove environmentally sensitive land from agricultural production and plant species that will improve environmental health and quality
What is What is CRP -Conservation Reserve Program
The understory vegetation of this forest type varies considerably from dense rhododendron to open sedge, with numerous potential combinations of herbaceous and shrub components. Species of concern include the golden-winged warbler and yellow-bellied sapsucker.
What is a northern hardwood forest.
Negative impacts of this management tool include obstruction of migration routes, 'trapping' of non-target animals, fragmentation, and high economic/maintenance cost.
What is fencing.
According to Dr. Hyman this is the best technique to study bird aggressiveness
What is the playback of species calls in home habitat
What is the United States Department of Agriculture - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
A program that assists landowners, on a voluntary basis, in restoring, enhancing and protecting forestland resources on private lands in order to aid the recovery of endangered and threatened species under the Endangered Species Act, improve plant and animal biodiversity and enhance carbon sequestration
What is HFRP - Healthy Forest Reserve Program
This forest type occurs at lower elevations (mostly below 900ft) and wildlife species include fox squirrel, whip-poor-will, yellow-billed cuckoo, eastern box turtle and a variety of salamanders. Dominant tree species include a variety of Quercus, Carya, and Pinus spp.
What is the pine-oak heath forest.
The earth’s land cover is composed of what percentage of rangelands?
What is 50%
Statistically speaking, this environment causes more aggressive behavior in birds
What is an urban setting
3 characteristics the make wildlife good urban adapters
Generalist/adaptable species, omnivore, strong competitors
To improve the health and biodiversity of our environment by providing incentives to those living and farming on it to protect their land's health and biodiversity
What are incentive programs?
Species that depend on this high elevation forest include the Northern Saw-whet owl, pine siskin, northern flying squirrel and Weller's Salamander. The wooly adelgid is responsible for altering the ecosystem of this forest type.
What is the spruce-fir forest type
An act which helped preserve rangelands/grasslands in the United States
What is the Grassland Reserve Program
A real-time, online checklist program that is amassing one of the largest and fastest growing biodiversity data resources in existence
What is eBird?
The 3 top management issues addressed through APHIS - Wildlife Services
What are beaver, airport, and feral swine conflicts