Act I
Act II
Act IV
Act V
After defeating the Irish and Norwegian invaders, Macbeth is crowned this title.
What is Thane of Cawdor.
Lady Macbeth's plan to kill the king states that she will do this to his servants.
What is drug and frame the servents.
Macbeth orders two murderers to kill these two people.
Who are Banquo and Fleance.
The line double double toil and trouble, is an example of this 7th-grade vocab word.
What is alliteration.
Lady Macbeth is observed doing this action in the middle of the night, in which she stated that she could not get a spot of blood out of her hands.
What is sleepwalking
These people prophesize Macbeth will soon become Thane of Cawdor, and eventually king.
Who are the Three Witches.
Shortly after talking with Banquo and Fleance, Macbeth sees this weapon floating before him, although most likely a figure of his imagination.
What is a bloody dagger.
This man escaped while Banquo was killed.
Who is Fleance.
In this section of the story, Macduff has fled to this place.
What is England.
Before the final battle of the play, Lady Macbeth tragically did this to herself
What is suicide.
Soon after receiving the prophecy, King Duncan crowns this man as future king.
Who is Malcolm.
Lady Macbeth returns to the scene of the murder for this reason, as Macbeth was too shaken and cowardly to do this.
What is To return the dagger to the scene of the crime.
At a royal dinner, Macbeth sees this man occupying an empty chair, although most likely a figure of his imagination.
Who is the Ghost of Banquo.
After learning Macduff fled, Macbeth orders murderers to kill these people who are of significance to Macduff.
Who are Lady Macduff, his son, and his servants.
The Siwards and these two other men will fight to defeat Macbeth and to avenge their families and the deaths of innocent people.
Who are Macduff and Malcolm
This was Macbeth's original title.
What is Thane of Glamis.
After Macduff enters the castle and discovers the murder of Duncan, Macbeth proceeds to kill these two people.
Who are the drugged servants.
What is Macbeth referring to when he states the following: Upon my head, they placed a fruitless crown And put a barren scepter in my grip.
What is a fear of Banquo's children inheriting the throne, since Macbeth has no children.
Macduff and Malcolm decide to team up to do this to Macbeth.
What is to fight him.
This man was killed during the final battle with Macbeth.
Who is Young Siward.
What is Macbeth referring to in act one, scene seven, line 15: as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself.
What is It is against his dignity to be a host and protector that murders his guests in his own castle.
For fear of being the next victims in the murder spree, these two men secretly flee the scene.
Who are Malcolm and Donalbain.
What is Macbeth referring to in the following line: I am in blood stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
What is a comparison stating that undoing his sins would be as tedious as continuing to kill.
This is head witch at the beginning of Act 4.
Who is Hecate.
This man defeats Macbeth once and for all.
Who is Macduff.