El Dedo
What is a finger?
El traje de baño
What is a bathing suit?
La parada de autobús
Ir de vacaciones
What is to go on vacation?
What is to complete?
El cuello
What is a neck?
El collar
What is a necklace?
El ascensor
Tomar un taxi
What is to take a taxi?
Hacer ejercicio
What is to exercise?
El hombro
What is a shoulder?
El dinero en efectivo
What is cash?
El Hotel
What is a hotel?
hacer la maleta
What is to pack a suit case?
Mantenerse enforma
What is to stay in shape?
El codo
What is an elbow
El recuerdo
what is a souvenir?
La habitación individual
What is a single room?
Montar a caballo
What is to go horseback riding?
Jugar en equipo
What is to play on a team?
La cara
What is a face?
El boleto de ida y vuelta
What is a roundtrip ticket?
La estación de tren
What is a train station?
What is to visit a museum?
Seguir una dieta balanceada
To follow a balanced diet?