The meaning of the word, "Gospel"
What is, "Good News"
There are this many books in the OT
What is 39
There are this many books in the NT
What is 27
Jesus' earthy parents
Mary and Joseph
Jesus quotes this book of the Bible when being tempted in the dessert by Satan
What is Deuteronomy
There are this many Gospels
What is 4
This is known as the "Book of Wisdom"
What is Proverbs
The first book of the NT
What is Matthew
Jesus was born around this year
What is 0
Found in Catholic and Orthodox Bibles, but not in Protestant ones
What is the Apocrypha
The name of the 3 Gospels that are similar
What is the synoptic Gospels, (Matthew, Mark and Luke)
The first 5 books of the Bible are known as this
What is the Torah, (or the Pentateuch)
The last book of the NT
What is the book of Revelation
Jesus was of this religious tradition
What is Jewish
The 3 books written by King Solomon
What is Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (or Song of Songs), and Proverbs
This is sometimes known as the "Love Gospel"
What is John
The word, "Torah" means this
What is the Law
He was a known terrorist who helped hunt down and kill Christians...and then converted and wrote more than half of the NT
What is Paul
Jesus' 3 closest companions
What is James, John and Peter
This epistle describes the bible as a Sword
What is Ephesians
The author of Luke, most likely also wrote this book
The dead sea scrolls found 2 very well preserved and helpful scrolls of this book
What is Isaiah
The teachers of the law were also known as this
What is the Pharisees
Jesus' first recorded Miracle as an adult
What is turning water into wine
The lost Gospel that was closest to making the canon of the Bible
The Gospel of Thomas