Three Branches
Principles and Citizenship
Formation of Constitution
I'm Feeling Lucky
The House of Representatives can ______________, or bring formal charges against and federal official it suspects of wrongdoing or misconduct which is a form of check and balance.
What is Impeach?
Power residing in a body of citizens entitled to vote is called _____.
What is republicanism?
What was the major argument of Antifederalist against ratification of the Constitution of 1787?
The new constitution did not include a Bill of Rights to protect the freedoms or liberties of the citizens of the United States
Shays' Rebellion convinced many Americans that the Articles of Confederation needed to be changed, because the rebellion illustrated the need for a _____.
central government strong enough to keep order
Name one difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.
What is the president's role in making new laws?
The president can sign a bill presented by Congress to make it a law
The system in which the power to govern is shared between the national government and the states is _________________.
What is federalism?
The United States was influenced by the Greek Civilization in Athens. What type of government did they have?
What was the main purpose of the Great Compromise of 1787?
To balance the interests of both large and small states
What government that ruled of the United States at one time had one legislative vote per state in the national government.
Articles of Confederation
If the President dies or resigns (quits), what happens?
The Vice President takes over
A person takes the Oath of Allegiance during the process of becoming ____.
a naturalized citizen of the United States.
Balancing the representation between the large states and the small states was part of the _________.
Great Compromise of 1787
What did the North and the South decide to do to count the population of the slaves?
What is Three-Fifths Compromise?
A major purpose of the government in a democracy is to _____________. a. Control the operation of all businesses b. Determine how to get people to vote c. Set regulations for religious groups and other organizations d. Make and enforce laws for safety
The President selects a Supreme Court justice, but has to have it confirmed by the Senate. This is a form of what?
What is Checks and Balances
BONUS: How does one become a naturalized citizen in the United States? Each step named gets a multiplier!
Resident for 5 years, fill out an application, pass English test, pass US History Test, Oath of Allegiance, Good Character
Dividing the legislative branch into two separate bodies was part of the Great Compromise of 1787. What are those two houses called?
The House of Representatives and the Senate
Name three goals set by the Preamble.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The Constitution claims that the government exists to “insure domestic tranquility.” What is meant by that phrase?
What is Keep peace in the United States?
The main purpose of Article V is to state how Congress can ____________.
Change or Amend the Constitution.
The first ten amendments are called the _____.
Bill of Rights
Tricked you. Is this a person a citizen or not? A baby born to Chinese parents in Southern California
Citizen (Born in US)
Under the Articles of Confederation, the government faced a serious economic problem. Why?
The central government received tax money from states only voluntarily.
Six years after Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected as President for a fourth term, the 22nd Amendment was added to the Constitution. According to this amendment, what are the maximum number of full terms and the maximum number of years a president can legally serve?
What is 2 Terms and 8 Years?