Figurative Language
Parts of Speech
5 Senses

What type of figurative language is the following phrase "the tree whistled in the wind"?



Why do we use dialogue in writing?

to show someone is speaking


What is the part of speech which shows an action taking place?



What are the five senses we can use in sensory language when writing?

feel, smell, touch, hear, taste


What is the theme of the passage below:

A New Friend

Emily sat by herself at lunch, watching the other kids laugh and talk. She felt a little sad because she didn’t know anyone yet. Suddenly, a girl named Mia came over. “Hi! Do you want to sit with us?” Mia asked with a big smile.

Emily wasn’t sure at first. “I’m new here,” she said quietly.

“That’s okay!” Mia said. “We’d love for you to join us.”

Emily smiled back. She picked up her lunch and followed Mia to the table. Soon, they were all laughing together, and Emily felt happy to have made a new friend.

friendship or kindness


Which form of figurative language uses like or as to compare two things?



Which form of dialogue is correct?

A. Mom said "Please take your shoes off outside."

B. Mom said, "Please take your shoes off outside."



What does a pronoun take the place of?



What sensory language is being used in the following sentence?

The silky sand hit my feet when I arrived at the ocean. 



What is the theme of the following passage?

The Lost Pencil

Jake was frustrated. He couldn’t find his favorite pencil, the one he always used for math tests. He searched his desk, his backpack, and even the floor. But it was nowhere to be found. Sighing, he sat back in his chair, worried he wouldn’t finish his work on time.

Just then, his classmate, Ella, tapped him on the shoulder. "Need a pencil?" she asked, holding out a bright yellow one.

Jake hesitated. "But... that’s your only one."

Ella shrugged. "You can borrow it. I’ll figure something out."

Jake smiled as he took the pencil. "Thanks, Ella. You really saved me."

generosity and helping others


"It took me 100 years to build" is an example of what type of figurative language?



Which form of dialogue is correct?

A. "Can you help me decorate tonight"? Sam asked.

B. Sam asked, "Can you help me decorate tonight?" 



What is the pronoun in the following sentence?

She went for a walk outside yesterday. 



What sensory language is being used in the following sentence?

The sweet favorable gum lasted all day long. 



What is the main idea of the passage below:

Why Bees Are Important

Bees might seem small, but they have a big job to do. Bees help plants grow by moving pollen from one flower to another, a process called pollination. Without bees, many of the fruits, vegetables, and flowers we see every day wouldn’t exist. Farmers rely on bees to pollinate crops like apples, almonds, and tomatoes. Not only do bees help plants grow, but they also make honey, which people use in food and medicine. Even though bees are important, their numbers are decreasing. This is why it’s so important to protect bees and their habitats.

Bees are important because they pollinate plants and make honey, and they need to be protected.


What type of figurative language compares two things without using like or as?



Which form of dialogue is correct?

A. "Wow, I am so excited the weekend is here!", declared Jim. 

B. "Wow I am so excited the weekend is here." declared Jim. 



What are the adjectives in the following sentence?

The gray, leather purse was sitting on the table. 

gray and leather


What sensory language is being used in the following sentence?

The horrific odor made my nostrils burn as we walked past the dumpster.  



What is the main idea of the passage below:

The Importance of Recycling

Every day, people throw away tons of garbage, but much of it could be recycled instead. Recycling means taking materials like paper, plastic, and glass and turning them into something new. This helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, where trash takes many years to break down. Recycling also saves energy because it takes less energy to make products from recycled materials than from raw ones. By recycling, people can help protect the environment and conserve resources for future generations.

Recycling helps reduce waste, save energy, and protect the environment.



What type of figurative language is defined as "a word that sounds like what it is describing?"

Example: buzz, click, splash



Which form of dialogue is correct?

A. "I hope we can get outside today," said Aubrey. "The sun is shining so I think we can," replied Matt. 

B. "I hope we can get outside today" said Aubrey, the sun is shining so I think we can" replied Matt. 



What are the adverbs in the following sentence?

The dog swam quickly and steadily across the water. 

quickly and steadily 


What sensory language is being used in the following sentence?

The crackling of the fire was soothing at night. 



What is the difference between main idea (central idea) and the theme of a passage?

The main idea tells what the story is about and the theme tells the lesson to be learned within the story.