This 4-word phrase tells you how to adjust your clocks when daylight saving time begins & ends
As a verb it's what you're supposed to do to excel in school; as a noun, it's a room for reading
(a) study
You are going to Disney World! Well, at least a stopover at MCO airport in this city
You fill these out to participate in an NCAA hoops March Madness pool (purely for fun, with no betting, of course)
MLB fans are full of boundless optimism during this, another term for baseball's preseason
spring training
One of the 7 deadly sins, or a mirrored dressing table that's great for applying make-up
(a) vanity
This largest Turkish city is the last stop on the Orient Express
Before becoming a true Warrior, this sharpshooter was a Wildcat in leading 10th-seeded Davidson to the Elite Eight in 2008
Steph Curry
Spring begins officially at this cosmic moment of equal parts day & night
Dad loves his heavy new black skillet made of this type of "iron"; he seasons it with oil to keep it like new
cast iron
Taking the Oregon Trail from its start has you heading out of Independence in this state
The second movement of his Third Symphony, the "Eroica", is a funeral march
A state flower, the California species of this blooms in great numbers in the spring
Polycarbonate windows function as this, any material that keeps heat in during winter, out during summer
If you take a shortcut south through the Suez Canal, you end up in this sea
the Red Sea
It's likely no team will break the record of 7 titles in a row won by this West Coast squad from 1967 to 1973
The modern tradition of spring break began in the 1930s as part of a swim meet in this Florida city named for a military man
Fort Lauderdale
This word means "designed for work", yet Uncle Joe has that type of recliner in which he does none
You get a free trip to this large island, but I'm not sure if it's the Indonesia side or the Papua side
New Guinea
Had Julius Caesar heeded the warning about this day, he might have survived it
the ides of March