Key Word
Prairie View

What are the action word(s) in this word problem?

The zoo sold 23 tickets in the morning and 17 more in the afternoon. How many tickets were sold in total?

Key words: "more," "in total"



There were 18 monkeys swinging on the trees. Then, 7 more monkeys joined them. How many monkeys are swinging now?

25 monkeys


Mrs. Schaefer’s class started the day with 24 students. Three students left for a reading group with Mrs. Park. How many students are still in the classroom?

21 students


Messi scored 15 goals in the first half of the season and 9 more in the second half. How many goals did he score in total?

24 goals


There were 15 monkeys in a tree. 6 more climbed up, but then 4 climbed down. How many monkeys are still in the tree?

17 monkeys


What are the action words in this word problem?

There were 35 penguins on the ice, but 14 slid into the water to swim. How many penguins are still left on the ice?

Keywords: "but," "still left" 



The zoo had 42 flamingos, but 16 flew away to another pond. How many flamingos are still at the zoo?

26 flamingos


Mr. Wiser had 35 students in PE class. Then, 12 students went back to their classrooms. How many students are still in PE?

23 students


Ronaldo signed 37 jerseys before a game. After the game, he signed 18 more. How many jerseys did he sign in total?

55 jerseys


A zookeeper counted 24 flamingos in the pond in the morning. In the afternoon, 18 more arrived, but then 10 flew away. How many flamingos are left?

32 flamingos


What are the action word(s) in this word problem?

A giraffe ate 56 leaves from a tree. Then, a zookeeper brought 29 more leaves. How many leaves does the giraffe have all together?

Key words: "more," "brought" "all together"



A zoo has 57 visitors watching the tigers. Then, 24 visitors leave to see the elephants. How many visitors are still watching the tigers?

33 visitors


Mrs. Chapman checked out 58 books for her class from the library. Later, she returned 29 of them. How many books does she still have?

29 books


At a stadium, 82,000 fans came to watch Neymar play. After halftime, 23,000 fans left early. How many fans stayed for the rest of the game?

59,000 fans


An elephant drinks 235 gallons of water in the morning and 178 gallons in the afternoon. Then, it spills 86 gallons. How much water did the elephant actually drink?

327 gallons


What are the action word(s) in this problem? 

There were 84 visitors at the lion exhibit. 27 visitors left to go see the elephants. How many visitors are still at the lion exhibit?

Key words: "left," "still"



A rhino eats 87 pounds of food in one day. If the zookeeper already fed it 39 pounds in the morning, how much more does it need to reach 87 pounds?

48 pounds


67 students were walking in the hallway to lunch. Mr. Walter stopped 19 of them to hand out HAWK tickets for good behavior. How many students kept walking to lunch?

48 students


Miss Wilson ran 146 yards in the first half of the game and 275 yards in the second half. How far did she run in total?

421 yards


The zoo has 72 lions. 26 are in the big exhibit, and the rest are in two smaller enclosures. If there are 19 lions in one small enclosure, how many are in the other small enclosure?

27 lions


What are the action word(s) in this problem? 

An elephant needs 620 gallons of water each day. It has already drunk 438 gallons. How much more does it need?

Key words: "how much more," "already"



An elephant drinks 428 gallons of water each day. If it has already drunk 263 gallons, how many more gallons does it need to reach its daily goal?

165 gallons


Mr. Peterson had 246 students practicing math. Then, Mrs. Overhoff took 128 of them to music class. How many students are still working on math?

118 students


Haaland scored 438 goals in his career before joining a new team. Since then, he has scored 267 more goals. How many goals has he scored in total?

705 goals


The giraffes were given 356 leaves for breakfast and 289 leaves for lunch. By the end of the day, they had eaten 482 of the leaves. How many leaves are still left?

163 leaves