Wind Basics
Local Winds
Global Winds
Energy in the Atmosphere
Heat Transfer
All winds are caused by differences in this.
What is air pressure?
At the beach, this substance heats up and cools off much more slowly than land.
What is water?
This belt of low air pressure occurs because of the warm air rising along the equator.
What are the doldrums?
Only red light has a longer wavelength than light of this color.
What is orange?
Though most of the world no longer uses it, this temperature scale is still the one that is most commonly used in the United States.
What is the Fahrenheit scale?
Wind occurs because of this object's uneven heating of the atmosphere.
What is the sun?
During the day, the land is much warmer than the ocean which results in this type of wind that blows from the water onto the land.
What is a sea breeze?
This easterly wind belt is caused by air moving toward the equator.
What are the trade winds?
Objects whose pigments absorb all colors of light appear to be this color.
What is black?
This type of heat transfer occurs when hot air rises and cooler air sinks.
What is convection?
This tool can be used to determine the direction of the wind.
What is a wind vane?
This type of local wind happens when the water is warmer than the land.
What is a land breeze?
High pressure air from the poles heads toward the equator causing this global wind belt.
What are the polar easterlies?
Heat trapped by the earth is released into the atmosphere in the form of this type of radiation.
What is infrared radiation?
This type of heat transfer happens when heat moves directly between objects that are in direct contact, like a skillet on a hot stove burner.
What is conduction?
The cooling effect caused by wind blowing across your skin.
What is wind chill?
In South and Southeast Asia, the monsoon winds of this season blow in from the ocean, causing a long period of heavy rains.
What is summer?
This wind belt located between 30 and 60 degrees latitude is most responsible for the movement of weather patterns across the United States.
What are the prevailing westerlies?
This process occurs when certain gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane hold heat in the atmosphere to help keep the earth warm.
What is the greenhouse effect?
This temperature, also known as zero Kelvin is the coldest temperature possible. Molecules at this temperature would stop moving completely.
What is absolute zero?
You would use one of these to measure the speed of the wind.
What is an anemometer?
In this type of coastal wind, the air pressure is higher over the water than on the land.
What is a sea breeze?
This phenomenon causes winds in the Northern hemisphere to curve to the right due to the earth's rotation.
What is the Coriolis effect?
This type of electromagnetic radiation can cause sunburns so make sure you wear you sunscreen.
What is ultraviolet radiation?
This type of heat transfer happens when heat travels directly through electromagnetic waves.
What is radiation?