Narrator's Point of View
Character's Perspective/Point of View
Mood & Tone
Story Structure
Constructed Response

The number of characters whose thoughts and feelings are shared if a story is written from the Third Person Objective point of view

Zero - Objective means that the narrator is sharing only what can be observed.

The perspective or point of view of the people waiting for the Christmas Train

They are excited, hopeful, happy, etc.


Based on the attitude of the characters



What paragraphs 1 & 2 contribute to the story

(plot, characterization, setting, theme)

Paragraphs 1 & 2 describe the setting (the time and place the story is set in)


What the M's in "Yes, MA'AM" mean



The number of characters whose thoughts and feelings  are shared if a story is written in Third Person Omniscient

All of them.


The rich man's perspective toward the people in Appalachia

He appreciated them for their kindness and wanted to pay them back

The general atmosphere of a story based on the setting



How paragraphs 14 - 16 contribute to the story

(plot, characterization, setting, theme)

Paragraphs 14 - 16 add to the plot of the story - they are events in rising action.


What the A's in "Yes, MA'AM" mean



The number of characters whose thoughts and feelings are shared if a story is written in Third Person Limited point of view

Just one.


A detail that support the inference that the Christmas Train is/was extremely important to Frankie

Possible answers:

Frankie is willing to wait for the train even if his body turns to ice.

The grown man nearly runs after the train


Determined by the words and actions of the characters



What paragraphs 20 and 28 contribute to the story

(theme, characterization, setting, plot)

Paragraphs 20 and 28 contribute to a theme of the story: Never give up on your dreams.

How many pieces of evidence you should include in a constructed response



A difference between First Person and Third Person Limited point of view

First person - a character is telling the story

Third person Limited - narrator is an outside observer telling thoughts and feelings of one character


A detail that supports the inference that the people of Appalachia are kind.

Possible answers:

They took care of the rich man in their home after his accident.

They refused to let him pay them for taking care of him.


The tone in Paragraphs 27 and 28

Possible answers: 

Kind, caring, comforting,  calm


The type of person Frank is, based on the characterizations (his words and actions) in paragraphs 26 and 27 and a detail that supports your answer  

Sample: Frank is a kindhearted and caring person.  He picked the girl up and comforted her.
The purpose of the second M of "Yes, MA'AM" 

It explains how the evidence helped you make inferences and figure out your answer.


The narrative point of view of "Silver Packages"

Third Person Limited - the narrator focuses on Frankie's thoughts and feelings


How Frankie/Frank changes through the story

(at the beginning... in the middle... at the end...)

Beginning - he's young and is disappointed that he doesn't get a doctor kit

Middle - he grows up and appreciates the gifts that he received when he was little

End - he returns to the mountains to help people there


The mood of paragraph 10

Possible answers:

excitement, happiness


Where Paragraphs 22 & 23 fit into the plot of the story

(Exposition, Rising Action, Climax or Turning Point, Falling Action, Resolution)

Paragraphs 22 and 23 are the climax or turning point of the story.  It is where the protagonist (Frankie) changes.  


The voices (Reading or Thinking) used for the Me parts and for the Author parts of a constructed response.

Thinking voice is used for the Me parts.

Reading Voice is used for the author parts.