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Vino Vocab

What type of fruit is grape classified as?



How much wine is in a standard bottle?

A standard bottle of wine is 750 milliliters (or about 25 fluid ounces).


Which celeb released a new wine line called LVE - Legend Vineyard Exclusive?

John Legend


What is the difference between vintage and non-vintage wines?

A ‘vintage’ wine is one made only with grapes harvested in the same year. ‘Non-vintage’ wines are blends of several years’ grapes. Many of the largest names in champagne produce non-vintage bottles.


What 5 colors can wine be? 

Red, white, pink (or rose), orange, and blue.


What type of grape has thicker skin and more seeds? Table or wine grape?

Wine grape


How many grapes does it take to make a standard bottle of wine?

About 200 grapes, or 2.5 pounds of grapes.


Which two U.S. presidents attempted to grow grapevines?

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson attempted – and failed — to grow grapevines in Virginia. Luckily for them, they had other careers they could fall back on.


What does a vertical wine tasting entail?

 It means tasting wines from the same vineyard or winemaker from different years. As you might imagine, it can be difficult to spot the differences.


Which country has the largest area of vineyards?

Which country has the largest area of vineyards?


What type of French wine is typically made from Pinot Noir grapes?

Burgundy, specifically red Burgundy, or Bourgogne Rouge as it’s known in France.


What’s the biggest kind of wine bottle?

It’s called the Nebuchadnezzar and it holds 15 liters of wine. That’s the equivalent of 20 regular bottles in a single huge bottle


Which celeb branded the wine "Armand de Brignac"?



How are fortified wines (like sherry and port) made?

Made by adding extra alcohol at different stages of the production process.


What type of "wine" bottle is made with thicker glass?

Champagne bottles are made from thicker glass to resist the pressure created by carbonation.


What is the most widely planted grape in the world?

Cabernet Sauvignon, with more than 700,000 acres worldwide.


On average, how much wine does one acre of grapevines produce?

About 800 gallons of wine.


What was Jackie Kennedy’s favorite kind of Champagne?

Veuve Clicquot. Très chic.


What does saccharomyces cerevisiae mean?

The yeast used for fermentation is called saccharomyces cerevisiae, or ‘brewer’s yeast’.


Why aren't most wines vegan/vegetarian?

Many wines aren’t vegan or vegetarian. A fining agent like egg or fish bladder is used to soften astringency from tannins and remove sediment.


Which country is the largest table grape importer?

The United States Department of Agriculture reports that the US is the world's largest importer of grapes for eating. In 2012, the US imported 568,000 tons of table grapes.


How much wine is in a barrel?

There are 60 gallons in a barrel. Fun fact: there are 126 gallons in a buttload of wine.


How many bottles of Pol Roger Champagne did Winston Churchill drink in his lifetime?

About 42,000 bottles, according to Churchill himself. That’s over a bottle and a half a day for his entire adult life, for anyone keeping score.


What does appellation mean?

An appellation is the growing region a wine comes from.


Why are wine glasses tulip shaped?

Wine glasses are tulip-shaped, curving inwards at the top so that aromas aren’t able to escape. ‘Swirling’ a wine glass before tasting aerates the wine and helps to release its aromas.