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Troubleshooting Reports

This report provides a full view of orders shipped within a specific year.

What is the All Orders Report?


This report helps wineries see package-level details, including item numbers and tracking data. 

What is the Package Item Details Report?


A winery wants to analyze its total shipments for the last calendar year.

What is the All Orders Report?


"I need to track all my shipments that went out yesterday." 

What is the All Orders Report with a filter on Actual Ship Date = Yesterday's Date? 


"I set up a report subscription, but I haven’t received any emails. What should I check first?"

What is verifying that the subscription is enabled and checking the associated email account?


This report helps wineries track which shipments failed to deliver and were returned to the warehouse.

What is the Returns Report?


This report compares inventory levels at the beginning and end of each month and flags discrepancies. 

What is the Inventory Reconciliation (Monthly-Bottles) Report?


A team member needs to confirm that a returned package was received at the warehouse. 

What is the Returns Report?


"I need to confirm how much wine we still have in inventory after our latest club shipment."

 What is the Storage Report?


"I ran an inventory report, but it’s missing data for some items. What could be the issue?" 

What is checking the selected filters to ensure no items were excluded by mistake?


This report captures inventory adjustments.

What is the Inventory Transactions Report?


This report contains specific codes that indicate why a package was returned, such as "No Adult Signature" or "Wrong Address." 

What is the Return Reasons Report?


A winery wants to ensure that inventory received matches the purchase order details.

What is the Inventory Receipts Report?


"Our accounting team needs a full record of every transaction that impacted inventory last month."

What is the Inventory Transactions with Balances Report? or What is the Inventory Transactions Report?


"A client says an order shipped, but it’s not appearing in my Orders Shipped Report. What could be wrong?"

What is ensuring the correct date range and account filters are applied?


This setting allows you to receive reports via email daily.

What is Report Subsriptions?


This report can be filtered by shipment hold types such as Credit or Inventory.

What is the Orders on Hold Report?


A client on a weight based rate card needs to check the item weights for their new items to confirm accuracy.

What is the Item Dimensions Report?


"We want to make sure that our received inventory matches our incoming request before we start fulfilling shipments." 

What is the Inventory Receipts Report?


"A club member is asking why their order hasn’t shipped yet. How can I check if it’s on hold?"

What is the Unshipped Orders Report?


This report provides a 60 day view of inventory to see slow moving products

What is the DTC Inventory Turn Report?


This report shows when the order has been picked up by the trucking company for one order type.

What is the Wholesale Shipment Confirmation Report?


A winery wants to assess which products are moving slowly and may incur extra storage fees. 

What is the DTC Inventory Turn Report?


"I am missing 10 bottles of item XXXX based on my records. Where I can I start investigating this issue?"

What is the Inventory Receipts Report? OR
What is the Inventory Transaction Report?


"I need to troubleshoot why a shipment hasn’t gone out, but I don’t see it in my Orders on Hold Report. What else should I check?"

What is verifying if the order is in the Action Center or filtering by different hold types?