Lessons Learned
For Gold and Glory
Don't Call It a Comeback
Saintly Souls
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This is the term for God’s life in our souls. It is the free and undeserved help from God that allows us to respond to His call to be children of God.

What is grace?


The Paris 2024 Olympic medals contain metal from this iconic landmark.

What is the Eiffel Tower?


The Chiefs overcame a double digit deficit to beat this team 31-20 in 2020 Super Bowl.

Who are the 49ers?

This saint died in Auschwitz after he volunteered to take the place of a condemned prisoner. 

Who is St. Maximillian Kolbe?


This is the number of U.S. states that have a coastline.

What is 23?


These are the definitions for the acronym A.C.T.S. 

What are Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication?

These are the three sports that make up a triathlon.

What are swimming, cycling, and running?


The Battle of Stirling Bridge saw William Wallace and Andrew Murray lead their men to victory over the larger and better equipped English army and was the inspiration for this movie. 

What is Braveheart?


This Italian saint is associated with many supernatural occurrences including levitation, the appearance of the stigmata, and was able to perform miracles.  

Who is St. Padre Pio?


Starry Night is a masterpiece created by this famous painter.

Who is Vincent Van Gogh?


Doric, a tiefling druid, is a member of this group, who vowed to protect the Woodland Elves who took her in.

What is the Emerald Enclave?


This Tokyo 2020 Olympic gold medalist is famous for his dives, as well as for knitting to relax. 

Who is Tom Daley?


Muhammad Ali was stripped of his boxing titles due to his objections to the Vietnam War and refusing to join the army. He continued a losing streak until the famous "Rumble in the Jungle," where he rallied to beat this heavyweight champion.

Who is George Foreman?


This Filipino saint was martyred at 17 after he and his missionary companion, Fr San Vitores, secretly baptized the child of a village chief after his wife consented. 

Who is St. Pedro Calungsod?


The human heart has this many chambers. 

What is 4?


These are the cardinal virtues. 

What are prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice?


These are the official Olympic values. 

What are excellence, respect, and friendship?


This Civil War battle almost saw victory for the Confederate Army before General Robert E. Lee led the disastrous Pickett's Charge, securing the victory for the Union Army.  

What is the Battle of Gettysburg?


This Venerable was the first African American saint in the United States.

Who is Venerable Augustus Tolton?

A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly through this process.

What is metamorphosis?


Finish the line in the Nicene Creed:

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the _______.

What is "Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets."


The five rings in the Olympic logo represent the union of five_______.

What are continents?


On February 22, 1980 the US men's hockey team defeated this country to win Olympic gold, a country who had won every Olympic gold medal since 1964. 

Who is the USSR?


This French saint designed the Miraculous Medal after several visions from Mary. 

Who is St. Catherine Laboure?


These two planets are oddballs, as they do not rotate in a counter-clockwise rotation.

What are Venus and Uranus?