What does Olaf from frozen love most
warm hugs and summer
Name three Charles Dickens books
Look up answers
How many sons did Jacob have
How many planets are there
How many continents are there
What is the lava monster from Moana named
te ka
What is the best selling book in the world
The bible
How was Ruth related to king David
She was his great grandma
What kingdom are humans classified in
Is Libya a country in Africa or South america
What were Ursalas electric eels named
flotsome and jetsome
Who is the auther of the Lord of the rings
J R R Tolkien
Who bought Joseph in egypt
What are the two types of planets
Terrestrial and Jovian
What is the tallest mountain in the world
mona keya
What were mickey mouse first words
Hot dog
Who is the most famous childrens auther
Roald dahl
What did Joseph hide in Benjamin's sack
a silver cup
What percent of earth is covered in water
In what continent is equator located
South america
What was the jaguier from Zootopia named
benjamin clawhauser
Who was the most famous playwright of all time
William Shakesphere
Who did king Elgon get stabbed by
How many states of matter are there
Where is the Christ the redeemer statue located