What Am I (A)
Trivia Q&A
Riddle Me This
What Am I (B)

I am the ability to identify mistakes and find creative ways to figure out the solution

I am Problem Solving Skills


1 Truth 1 Lie

A. My Birthday is May 13th

B. My Birthday is May 18th

B. My birthday is not May 18th


I am able to keep track of responsibilities and commitments, clean my space, and create systems to help manage information

A. Organizational Skills

B. Life Management Skills


The more you take away the bigger I be come, What Am I?



I am able to resolve things peacefully and maintain healthy relationships with the help of effective communication, active listening, and negotiation

I am Conflict Resolution


I am a mental health disorder that affects how people think, feel and behave. I may cause disorganized thinking, delusions, and impaired speech along with other negative symptoms

I am Schizophrenia


Guess that color

Red or Blue

Black, White or Grey

Pink, Orange, Green, Purple

Write responses on another paper


I am a set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviors toward a particular object, person, thing, or event

A. Attitude

B. Personality


What time is it if an elephant sits on a fence?

Time to fix the fence


I am any event, force or condition that results in physical or emotional stress

I am Stressor


I am a mood disorder where an individual will experience reoccurring symptoms of sadness, low mood, and lack of interest in daily living activities.

I am Depression


2 Truths 1 Lie

A. I like Dominoes

B. I like Pizza Hut

C. I like Papa Johns

B. I do not like Pizza Hut

I am the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses

A. Perception

B. Consciousness


The more there is the less you see, what am I?



I am a mental illness characterized by extreme mood swings. They can include extreme excitement episodes or extreme depressive feelings

I am Bi-Polar Disorder


I am briefly felt mental states that arise from the mind’s conscious interpretation of bodily sensations in response to stimuli

I am Emotion


Guess That Number 

1 or 2

11, 22, or 33

111, 222, or 333

Write responses on another paper


I am a physical feeling or perception resulting from something that happens to or comes into contact with the body

A. Awareness

B. Sensation


What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

The word short


I am the process or result of identifying the nature of a disease, disorder, illness or problem from its signs, symptoms, or causes

I am Diagnosis


I am a form of treatment meant to relieve emotional distress and mental health problems

I am Therapy


3 Truths 1 Lie

A. I like eating Mangoes

B. I like eating Apples

C. I like eating Bananas

D. I Like eating Watermelon

D. I do not like Watermelon


I am setting clears tasks for myself that provide me with a sense of direction and purpose. I stay motivated and focused as I follow this path to increased success and growth

A. Self-Discipline

B. Goal Setting


What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one thousand years?

The letter M


I am the action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after things such as illness, addiction and imprisonment

I am Rehabilitation