Case Management
Call Quality
Call Quality Part 2

Type of case that stems from a Parent Case and are reassigned to various teams or queues for specialized support.

What is a child case?


To validate a rep or admin, we need these two things

Their full name and rep number


This type of transfer does NOT require a statement.

What is an ACAT?


This "tab" provides helpful job aids, FAQ's and procedures within AdviceWorks.

What is the How To tray?


When asking for information from the caller, we should always respond with this.

What is thank you?


This is how often the Last Comment Widget should be checked each day. 

What is 3x? (In the morning, around lunch break, before end of shift)


The ability to understand and share the feelings of another

 What is empathy?


If a client wishes to reverse an outgoing transfer, we need this form submitted.

What is a rescind letter?


This is the pathway you would take when adding new standing ACH instructions.

What is Asset Movement >Standing or Periodic Instruction Set up?


When asking for information from the caller, we should always ask with this pleasantry

What is please?


This is how often a parent case should be modified.

What is every 24-48 hours?


When this is present on the call, the caller is more likely to remember and submit a survey

What is a Memorable Moment?


When an ACAT is rejected, rather than solely basing the reason off the rejection code, we should also check this spot in the SCR.

What is the comments/notes section?


This is the pathway you would take when updating beneficiaries on an IRA.

What is Account Maintenance > Beneficiary Change?


Do do dooo do do do dooo.... We should never allow our holds to exceed this amount of time

What is 2-3 minutes?


When a resolution is found for a case, rather than selecting to "Close" the case, the agent should do this instead - which ensures a final public comment is sent to the rep/admin.

What is select "Resolved"?


Studies have found people feel more "special" when they hear this in conversation. 

What is their own name?


Client needs an LOA. Sure, we can do that! As long as we submit these two things to Pershing first.

What is the Account Transfer form and a statement?


What?! We can mimic the client's Client Portal view in AdviceWorks? All we have to select is this on the profile...

What is the compass icon > Client Portal 'See the Client's Experience'?


We've evaluated calls using the "QNI" template which allow us to take a deeper look at verbiage used in calls. QNI stands for this

What is
Q: Quote

N: Name the skill

I: Impact


This person is responsible for closing a child case. 

Who is brokerage operations?


Three ways to "extend yourself" at the end of the call

What else can I help you with today?

Glad we got that taken care of, what's next on your to do list?

Before I let you go, was there anything else I can help you get accomplished today?

Client doesn't have a recent statement? No worries! We will accept this as an alternative.

What is a letter from the contra firm showing the account number, account name, registration and full list of assets in the account?


Rep calls in on a status on a new account opening he started in AW. He does not have the SR ID number, only the account number. You would search for the SR ID number here....

What is the Client Servicing Queue > Work Queue >Service Request Search.


Oh no... you have a terminated rep on the line requesting a check to be sent from a client's account. Rather than pushing them to the OSJ/supervision specialist, this may be the best option

What is ask if the client is there or if the client is able to join the call?