Independent Living
Winning @ Living
Ideals & Concepts
Financial Planning

____________ _____ are the expenses you have to pay to move out of one location to another. Expenses can include a U-Haul, deposits, a down payment, utilities deposits, etc. 

What is relocation cost?


Creating and maintaining one binder or folder with important information is an example of 

What is household management?


A complete sentence that you can say when you don't want to do something.

What is "no"?

Note: when you don't want to do something, saying no can help free up time and energy for self care and for prioritizing other important tasks.


A plan that outlines what money you expect to earn or receive (your income) and how you will save it or spend it (your expenses) for a given period of time. 

What is a budget?


A _____ is a type of investment that gives people a share of ownership in a company.

What is a stock?


Something you should always get immediately after paying your monthly rent amount.

What is a Rent Payment Receipt?

Note: consider never paying cash for rent unless you get an accurate receipt of payment at the time of payment; keep all payment receipts for the duration of your lease (and beyond).

To avoid a _____ ____ never send money to anyone you have only communicated with online or by phone.

What is a romance scam?


An action you do over and over again until you significantly improve or get it right. 

What is practice?


A ____ _____ is a three-digit number that lenders use to assess how well you can repay money you owe. 

What is a credit score?

Note: a credit score is based on information in your credit report, including your payment history, credit history length, amounts owed, credit mix, and new credit. Credit scores can also include a risk factor range, from Poor to Exceptional, along with the score factors that are positively and negatively impacting your score.


________ is a measure of the ability and ease with which you can access and use your money.

What is Liquidity? 


Not paying rent, not complying with terms of rental agreement, not appropriately maintaining the rental unit are examples of... 

What is a Lease Violation?


Personal hygiene, safety, budgeting and personal finance management, time management, nutrition, shopping and cooking, household management, parenting, communication, recreation and employment are examples of 

What is independent living skills?


We try not to ___________ ourselves to others because doing so can be the thief of joy.

What is compare?


________ is the monetary charge for borrowing money—generally expressed as a percentage, such as an annual percentage rate (APR).

What is interest?

Note: Interest is often associated with borrowing money from credit cards, borrowing money for mortgages, car loans, private loans, student loans, and penalty assessments. Interest can also be earned with money in savings accounts and some investments.  


A _____ _____ is the profit that comes from selling an investment for more than you paid for it.

What is a capital gain?


A ____ ______ is an individual or company that works with a landlord to rent and maintain the landlord's property. 

What is a Property Manager?


A ________ or a __________ is a device to help you plan your day and set a schedule.

What is a planner or calendar? 


Though not always recognized everywhere else, we __________ how some participants can be late to group because it can be very hard to get here.

What is understand?


________ is money you've set aside in a secure place that you can use to for unplanned expenses or to make a specific purchase. 

What is savings?

Note: an emergency fund is money you've set aside for emergencies. Savings is money set aside for something planned. 


An _______ is an item with economic value, such as stock or real estate.

What is an asset? 


A _____ _______ is a formal contract between a landlord and a tenant outlining the terms and duration of a tenants use of property. 

What is a Lease Agreement?

Note: Consider treating a lease agreement as an important document that you always have access to and that you review frequently.


A _____ ____ is diary written down, with the exact time it takes to do a task to completion, such as sleeping, showering, transportation to work, etc. 

What is a time log?


When a goal seems too large we can _____ __ ______ into smaller, more manageable tasks to achieve the goal.  

What is break it down? 


__________ is a financial product that can be purchased to protect ourselves, our loved ones, or property from damage, theft, loss, accidents or risks. 

What is insurance?

Note: there are many types of insurance: life, health, pet, car, home, property, travel, etc. 


A ______ _______ is an investment account that allows you to buy and sell a variety of investments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs.

What is a brokerage account?